SMNA Suspending Events

Due to current social distancing restrictions and other COVID-19 related cautions, Stone Meadows Neighborhood Association is suspending public meetings and events until September 2020.

Events effected are:

  • SMNA Annual Meeting (5/11/2020)
    • Election of SMNA officers will be held at the next scheduled meeting.
  • SMNA 4th of July Parade/Picnic (7/4/2020)
  • SMNA Bi-Monthly Meeting (7/13/2020) (No follow-up date.)   

The Next SMNA scheduled meeting will be in September (9/14/2020)

SMNA has also suspended our membership drive for the 2020-21 year. We will hope to engage for this drive later in the summer months if we are cleared to do so.

Please continue to monitor for more information.

Thank You and Be Safe!

East Towne & Odana Area Plans

The City of Madison Planning Division is continuing digital engagement for the Greater East Towne and Odana Area Plan with a series of virtual brown bags and evening engagements – see schedule below.  This follows up on Mall Madness PDF , a tournament style bracket used to better understand the public’s thoughts and preferences PDF  about how these areas could transform in the coming years.

The weekly series of virtual brown bags and evening engagements will discuss different aspects of plan development.  The first week’s engagements will focus on issues associated with malls and large commercial areas.  It will also provide an opportunity to discuss how Covid19 presents new challenges for these areas.  The second week will highlight mall redevelopment examples from around the country, and how those efforts activated stagnant, dead or declining commercial areas.  Subsequent weeks will take an in depth look at the Greater East Towne and Odana Area Plan boundaries and the unique issues and opportunities present.

These webinars will use Zoom and are accessible via computer, smart phone or phone (audio only).  Advance registration is required.  Sign up here to participate. 

Schedule of Virtual Brown Bags and Evening Engagements:

  • Week 1:  Issues facing malls and potential impacts from Covid19 –  Monday May 4th 12:15-1 pm, and Thursday May 7th 5:15-6 pm
  • Week 2:  Case Studies – Mall & Office Redevelopment Examples – Monday May 11th 12:15-1 pm, and Thursday May 14th, 5:15- 6 p
  • Week 3:  Odana Area Plan Focused Discussion – Monday May 18th 12:15-1 pm, and Thursday May 21st 5:15-6 pm
  • Week 4:  Greater East Towne Area Plan Focused Discussion – Monday June 1st 12:15-1 pm, and Thursday June 4th 5:15-6 pm

City of Madison Planning Division Contacts:
Odana Area Plan: Ben Zellers –; Rebecca Cnare –; Dan McAuliffe –; Linda Horvath –

Public Health Madison & Dane County

This content is accurate as of March 6, 2020. For the most up to date information about coronavirus, see the Public Health Madison & Dane County website

Preparing for the Spread of Coronavirus 

While your chances of getting sick from coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wisconsin are low right now, this is the time to prepare for widespread illness in the future. This is a new virus, and with that comes some anxiety, but sticking to basic public health prevention practices is very effective in helping us all stay healthy.

By preparing ourselves for the possibility of coronavirus spreading, we can:

  • Limit the spread of illness: Limiting contact with other people lowers how many people may catch the virus.
  • Help protect others: Help protect those in our community who are more vulnerable, like the elderly and people with chronic disease, who may be more likely to experience serious complications or death.
  • Reduce strain on the healthcare system: The more precautions people take to not get sick, the less strain on our healthcare system.

What you can do to stay healthy

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Wash your hands afterwards.
  • Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, like doorknobs, remotes, refrigerator handles, and sink handles.
  • Avoid shaking hands or getting in someone’s personal space.
  • Stay home if you are sick, and avoid contact with others who are sick.
  • If you haven’t gotten your flu shot, do so now. Flu is circulating widely in our community. Getting a flu shot lessens your odds of being hospitalized for flu, which frees up hospitals for people who may get sick from coronavirus.

How you can prepare

  • Just like when you prepare for a big snowstorm, stock supplies now so you don’t have to leave home to get them if illness is widespread in our community. Buy items you’d need to stay home for a week or two, like non-perishable food, tissues, hand sanitizer, and cleaning supplies. Don’t forget daily medications, fever reducing medicine, and supplies for your pets.
  • Learn about plans and policies for work and kids’ schools if an outbreak of illness occurs. Can you work from home? Who can take care of your kids if they need to stay home?
  • Think about ways you can minimize your amount of time in crowds. Can you reduce trips to the store? Can you order items online for delivery? Can you sit farther away from people on the bus?

What employers can do

  • Create plans now for limiting face-to-face interactions in the workplace; use conference calls and video conferencing.
  • Create a business continuity plan, which details how to provide essential services if a number of employees are sick or unavailable.
  • See for a factsheet with many more tips.

What Public Health Madison & Dane County is doing

  • Monitoring travelers and people who may have had contact with someone with coronavirus. Read blog posts about our role in monitoring and responding to coronavirus:
  • Coordinating with partners in public health, health care, local schools, higher education, and labs—sometimes daily—in order to map out processes, outline our unique roles, and share information.
  • Planning ahead and helping our community prepare if coronavirus spreads more widely in our community, including partnering with state and CDC officials on when to shut down schools and public events. 

When we all pull together as a community to prepare for widespread illness, we protect ourselves, our families, those who are more vulnerable, and those providing services and care to us. Stay tuned as this situation progresses by following us on social media (@publichealthmdc), checking our regularly updated website (, and calling our information line (608) 243-0587.

Monroe Street Arts Center – Construction Commencement

Contact: Suzy Baldwin, Director of Programming

Phone: (608) 232-1510


Construction Commencement 

Friday, March 6, 2020

3:00 – 5:00 PM 

1732 West Lawn Ave. 

Monroe Street Arts Center is proud to announce their construction commencement! Come to 1732 West Lawn Ave (on the corner of Monroe Street and West Lawn Avenue across from Trader Joe’s and Orange Tree Imports) on Friday, March 6, 2020 from 3:00 – 5:00 PM to help MSAC kick off this momentous occasion! Attendees are encouraged to come and write their well wishes in chalk on the concrete base of the space before the building begins. Hear from Executive Director, Monica Wahlberg and Board President, Julia Kerr about MSAC’s commitment to building Madison’s creative future! 

Monroe Street Arts Center began a capital campaign in the fall of 2019 and continues to raise funds to move to a new space in the historic Dudgeon-Monroe district. Any artist will tell you the importance of space: to imagine, discover, and create. Since opening their doors in 1997, Monroe Street Arts Center has dedicated itself to providing those spaces throughout Madison. Over the last 22 years MSAC has brought art in all its forms to make our city a better place.  This new location will have the space and resources to expand programming, classes, and outreach with collaborative partners from all corners of the city. MSAC appreciates many key donors who have already given to make this growth opportunity happen, such as Diane Ballweg, Madison Community Foundation, and the Comer Family Foundation. Fundraising continues in order to move into the space and create a fund for our scholarship and outreach programs. MSAC will continue to be a pipeline for many other youth arts programs throughout Madison. For more information, visit

Safety/Security Reminder

We’ve had another recent rash of burglaries, including someone having their car stolen out of their garage on Christmas Eve.

So, just a few reminders to folks:

  • Keep your vehicles locked – particularly if they’re outside
  • Keep your garage doors closed – particularly if you are not in the garage or within eyesight of the door
  • Do not leave your vehicle running unattended
  • Do not leave your keys in your vehicle
  • Keep the area around your vehicle/garage well-lit
  • If you see your neighbor’s garage door open, let them know
  • If you see anyone or anything suspicious, call the MPD

Arty Party 2020: Leap Into Our New Space


Contact: Suzan Baldwin

Phone: (608) 232-1510


Arty Party 2020: Leap Into Our New Space

An evening of celebration and artistic expression in support of Monroe Street Arts

Monroe Street Arts Center returns to HotelRed for the annual Arty Party fundraiser on Saturday, February 29th. Guests are invited to follow the trail of games and activities, dine on delicious hors d’oeuvres, and raise a glass to Monroe Street Arts Center’s successful expansion!

The proceeds for the night go to support scholarships and summer programming. Since 1997, Monroe Street Arts Center has been committed to bringing people together to build a community for creative expression and appreciation for the arts. To that end, MSAC offers a scholarship fund for students who would otherwise not have access to art or music instruction. Last year, Monroe Street Arts provided classes and workshops for over 5,500 students.

Want to join the fun at Arty Party 2020? Tickets can be purchased online, $65 individually or $200 per group of 4, via this link:

Unable to attend? Your support is just as important. Donations can be made online at

Interested in sponsoring the event? Please reach out to Executive Director, Monica Wahlberg, or submit your information online here:

Traffic Signal Priority List

See the letter below from the city traffic engineering department. There is a meeting next week, Wednesday December 11th at 5 PM, where they plan to discuss requests for traffic signals that were brought up throughout the past year, and intersections that they and the committee recommend for further study.


The schedule for the Traffic Signal Priority List (TSPL) is planned as follows:

December 11: Opportunity offered at Transportation Commission (T.C.) meeting for comments (written or oral) from interested residents to be presented. Room 215, Madison Municipal Building, Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, at 5:00 PM

February 12: Final Signal Priority List and Action Plan reviewed and adopted by T.C.

Please note that the December 11 meeting is your opportunity to offer comments on specific intersections.

Signal warrants are the framework for analyzing and comparing the need for traffic signal control at intersections. Madison’s Priority List is an annual effort to evaluate relative needs for traffic signal control at major unsignalized intersections. While all of the data on the Priority List is valuable, additional factors are also considered and evaluated before decisions to install signals are made. For example, an intersection with volumes somewhat below the minimum volumes to meet a signal warrant may still be a prime candidate for signals if volumes are expected to increase significantly in the immediate future. Conversely, intersections with volumes above the threshold for traffic signals may not be recommended for signals when accident rates or congestion are expected to worsen with signal control.

A copy of the 2019 Traffic Signal Priority list can be found here and detailed descriptions of signal warrants can be found here. A copy of the final 2018 Traffic Signal Priority List can be found at the city’s webpage:

Jerry Schippa, Traffic Engineer (261-1969), can respond to any questions or comments you have regarding technical aspects of the priority list.

Open House: Verona Road Construction

An open house meeting will be held next Thursday, December 12 to answer questions about the new Verona Road (US 18/151) configuration and discuss the 2020 construction activities on County PD/McKee Road in Fitchburg.

  • When: 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, December 12, 2019
    No formal presentation is scheduled; stop by at your convenience.
  • Where: Verona Road Project Field Office
    6200 Nesbitt Road, Suite B, Fitchburg, WI

Maps and exhibits of the Verona Road improvements will be on display, including the County PD reconstruction between Commerce Park Drive and Fitchrona Road. As a reminder, in spring 2020, permanent restrictions will occur at the County PD, Nesbitt Road and Kapec Road intersection. View the map of the permanent turn restrictions. Stop signs will be installed on the local roadways with free-flow left turns from County PD to Nesbitt Road and Kapec Road.

Also, staff from the city of Fitchburg will attend this open house meeting to answer any questions about the Fish Hatchery Road project.