Ryan Funeral Homes proposes to develop the vacant property at the corner of McKee Road and Golden Copper Lane. The proposal is for a 9,000 square foot, one-story building with a two-story component that would be a funeral home with chapel, social room, and office space. The site provides 68 automobile parking spaces. The proposal would need approval from the Urban Design Commission, Plan Commission, and Common Council.
A virtual neighborhood meeting to hear more about this proposal is scheduled for Thursday, June 22, at 6:30pm. You can join the meeting using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingJune22RyanFuneralHome .
**Metro’s complete route redesign is coming up fast on Sunday, June 11, 2023**
Starting Saturday, June 10, the Metro Customer Service Center is open extended hours to help early morning and late night commuters with the new service beginning on June 11.
For two weeks, representatives are available from 5:30a to 10p. We can help plan your trip, find your bus stop, see live arrival times and answer any questions you have!
Call 608-266-4466.
Board of Park Commissioners: The Board of Park Commissioners will take place on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 in in-person format at 6:30 PM. Agenda items includes declaring July 2023 as “Parks and Recreation Month” in the City of Madison; adoption of Park Development Plan for Kestrel Park, request from Olbrich Botanical Gardens to Close Bolz Conservatory August 9-11, 2023 for Installation of GLEAM Exhibit; request by Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, Inc. to extend Madison Park hours for Fete de Marquette; Dog Park Designation status update; and more!
Education Committee: The Education Committee will take place on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 in virtual format at 5:30 PM. Agenda items includes County Youth in Governance Presentation, discussion on draft policy regarding Driver’s Education and more!
Lakeside Kids: James the Magician, Tuesday, June 13, 2023: Since 1986, James Ember has been creating and performing magic. He has performed his award winning, interactive, comedy magic show throughout the world. Performing magic with a wild passion since he won his first talent show at the age of six, his exceptional magical talent has been showcased at school programs, on stages, on the street and everywhere in between. There’s one thing that drives every single one of his performances – he knows joy is contagious!
East Side Farmers’ Market, Tuesday, June 13, 2023: The Eastside Farmers’ Market is Madison Wisconsin’s finest weekday farmers’ market. Our goal is to bring the freshest Wisconsin grown food direct to the heart of the East side. Our vendor members are agricultural producers and food artisans who make value added products from Wisconsin’s agricultural bounty.
Dane County Farmers’ Market – Wednesday Market, Wednesday, June 14, 2023: The Wednesday Dane County Farmers’ Market is located on the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in between the Madison Municipal Building and the City County Building. While more intimate than the Saturday Market, you will still find many of your favorite Dane County Farmers’ Market members, as well as a full array of fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, bakery items, cut flowers, plants, and many specialty items.
The Capitol View Farmers’ Market, Wednesday, June 14, 2023: The Capitol View Farmers Market is returning to the North Star Neighborhood! Join us each Wednesday (May 31-October 11, 2023) from 3:00-7:00pm to support local farmers and vendors, enjoy live music and food carts, and make the most of summer in Madison!
Madison Jazz Fest, Wednesday, June 14, 2023: The Madison Music Collective presents a Madison Jazz Festival concert in Penn Park by Madison’s Rick Flowers and Amalgam X, featuring Kevin Carnes on drums, Chris Moseley on guitar, Adam Czerepinski on bass, and Flowers on keyboards and vocals on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. This concert is part of the Collective’s popular DIG JAZZ concert series. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy live jazz in the park. You can also purchase food from the Sista’s Chicken & Fish food trunk.
Concerts on the Rooftop: Sixteen Candles, Thursday, June 15, 2023:Experience the nostalgia and energy of the greatest decade of music – the 1980’s! Entertaining audiences since 2003, Sixteen Candles travels the country to bring 80’s music to life in full force for a memorable and exciting concert experience that you won’t soon forget.
Community Garden Summit, Friday, June 16, 2023: We foster community, equity, and food production by connecting people in Dane County with the space, education and resources to create and sustain community gardens.
The Sessions at McPike Park, Friday, June 16, 2023: The Sessions at McPike Park is in its 10th year and will have great music all seven days and dance and comedy interspersed. This is a free all-volunteer run event that helps raise funds for 6 non-profit partners. Great food and drink for sale.
Loop The Lake, Saturday, June 17, 2023: Support clean, healthy lakes with Clean Lakes Alliance’s 10th Annual Loop the Lake Bike Ride. Join in person on the official Monona Lake Loop by starting and ending at Olbrich Park on Saturday, June 18th, 2022. Or, choose to ride, walk, run, or paddle virtually, from anywhere Saturday, June 11th – Sunday, June 19th.
HUD-Approved Homebuyer Education, Saturday, June 17, 2023: Take the first step to owning a home, and join us in this Home Buyer Education Workshop. This FREE HUD-Approved homebuyer educationworkshop takes place in person and lunch is provided.
Bird & Nature Adventures | Starkweather Creek Area, Saturday, June 17, 2023: Edible Plants ~ Outings in the Starkweather Creek area vary each month – be sure to check the starting location. Adventures typically at 10:00am on the 3rd Saturday of the month, year-round, and frequently start at the Goodman Community Center, unless noted otherwise. Outings include nature walks, canoe/kayak adventures, bicycling tours, and more, and are sponsored by the Madison Friends of Urban Nature , Madison Parks, Goodman Community Center , Madison Audubon Society , and Friends of Starkweather Creek . No registration is required. Pets are not allowed.
The Sessions at McPike Park, Saturday, June 17 and Sunday, June 18: The Sessions at McPike Park is in its 10th year and will have great music all seven days and dance and comedy interspersed. This is a free all-volunteer run event that helps raise funds for 6 non-profit partners. Great food and drink for sale.
Bird & Nature Adventures | Warner Park, Sunday, June 18, 2023: Enjoy an informal family and kid-friendly nature walk around the scenic Warner Pond lagoon and across Castle Creek to discover the wetlands, woods, and prairie in the Wild Side of Warner Park and the birds and other creatures that call it home! Walks at Warner Park held on the 3rd Sunday every month are co-sponsored by Madison Bird City FUN partners Wild Warner and Madison Audubon . Meet at the colorful Warner Park shelter by the lagoon. Parking is available nearby. No registration is required. No pets are allowed.
Goodman Pool Opens Friday, June 9: Goodman Pool opens for the 2023 season on Friday, June 9 and thanks to the generosity of Goodman’s Jewelers, the first 500 kids receive FREE ADMISSION starting at 12pm!
Help Your Trees: Urban Forestry Reminds Residents to Water Newly Planted Trees: If a tree has been planted on the terrace in front of your home by Urban Forestry within the last five years, or if you had a tree planted on your private property in that same window of time, residents are reminded to water the tree as needed to increase its chance of survival.
Metro Transit Redesigned Routes Start Sunday, June 11: Starting Sunday, June 11, Metro is implementing its largest service change in more than 20 years. This complete revamp of service is geared towards addressing a number of long-standing customer concerns including:
rides on Metro’s current service take too long
routes are too confusing
Frequent transfers are necessary, sometimes with the need to ride in the opposite direction of your destination to get the right bus at a transfer point.
This new set of routes and schedules has also been designed to integrate with Metro’s new bus rapid transit system that will go into effect next year.
Printed schedule information is now available on Metro buses or through the mail by contacting Metro’s customer service center at (608) 266-4466 or mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.
Route Numbers to Letters
The majority of Metro’s new routes will be noted as letters rather than numbers A few routes will still be represented as numbers.
Bus Stops
New Locations – A number of new bus stops with lettered route information have already been installed. These new locations will open on Sunday, June 11.
Existing Stops – A majority of Metro stop locations will remain the same. Route numbers on these signs will be updated to letters in the coming weeks.
Four-digit bus ID numbers will remain the same. ID numbers can be used to plan trips this week as well as after the new service launch. ID numbers can also continue to be used when contacting Metro’s call center with specific bus stop questions.
Look for temporary laminated signs with new route letter information at stops until new permanent steel sign versions are installed.
Transfer Points
Metro’s north, east, and west transfer points will close on Sunday, June 11. The North Transfer Point park and ride will also close with the start of new service. A complete list of available park and rides are available at mymetrobus.com/parkandride.
Look for Ride Guides Out on the Street!
Metro Ride Guide staff are now visiting transfer points, stop locations and are out riding buses to answer questions and help plan trips. Look for Ride Guides in bright yellow vests. Ride Guides will be out on the street first thing on June 11 and the following week to help passengers get where they need to go on Metro’s newly designed routes.
Customer Service Center Extended Hours
Metro’s customer service phone center is open through Monday through Friday from 6:00 am until 6:00 pm. Starting on Saturday, June 10, representatives will be available starting at 5:30 am through 10:00 pm. These extended hours will be available through Saturday, June 24 or as phone traffic warrants.
Plan Your Trip with Metro Staff
Metro staff will be available at a number of upcoming community events to answer questions and help plan new trips. A complete list of events is available at: https://bit.ly/45ybIYQ
For more information, contact Metro’s customer service center at (608) 2266-4466 or mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.
Complete information is also available at mymetrobus.com.
Enjoy permit-free days in Madison’s parks, Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4, 2023. This includes disc golf at Elver Park, 1250 McKenna Blvd. and Hiestand, 4302 Milwaukee St. For more information, see Disc Golf Courses Also, no permit needed for Off-Leash Dog Parks, and no Lake Access Permit is needed for many City Boat Launches. For further information, contact Madison Parks, (608) 266-4711, parks@cityofmadison.com
Do you want your poem to be in a Metro bus?
The Madison Poet Laureate is seeking short poems from Madison residents to be considered for the annual Bus Lines poetry project. Bus Lines is made possible by a partnership between the Madison Poet Laureate and Metro Transit, with support from the Madison Arts Commission. Selected poems will be placed on Madison buses and the poets will be honored at a celebratory reading and exhibition of their work at Pinney Library, Thursday, November 9th at 6:30 pm. APPLY before June 9th
Madison Public Library’s summer We Read campaign returns!
Starting June 8, kids can visit the library, the Dream Bus or a Parks Alive event to get their own free copy of the We Read Card Deck, a new activity that families can do at the library or from home. Pick up a card deck full of action cards that offer lots of different ways kids can connect with reading, form relationships and share what they’ve read with others. Each deck contains prize cards that families can enjoy once they’ve completed the action cards. Click HERE for more information.
Streets Division Updates
With warmer weather comes an increase in large item pickup. Here’s a review of how large item pickup works now.
Put the items out on the set-out Sunday you chose on the work order. Do not set them out early – crews will not arrive before your set-out date.
Collection of large items occurs sometime during the work week following the set-out Sunday you choose. It could be as early as 6:30am on Monday, so get the items out anytime on the Sunday you selected.
What about that neighbor with a pile of stuff out for a long time? You have two options if speaking with the neighbor is not possible:
Contact Building Inspection at 608-266-4551. Building Inspection is the code enforcement agency. They can see if a property has a work order or not. They can require property owners to get a work order, and fine those who choose not to follow their guidance.
Create a work order for your neighbor. While this means your neighbor may not learn about the work order system, it does guarantee that they would be on the schedule for pickup.
Sustainable Madison Committee: The Sustainable Madison Committee meeting will take place on Monday, May 22, 2023 in virtual format at 4:30 PM. Agenda items include a presentation by RENEW Wisconsin on the proposed utility rate cases from Madison Gas and Electric and Alliant Energy and more!
Plan Commission: The Plan Commission meeting will take place Monday, May 22, 2023 in virtual format at 5:30 PM. Agenda items include a resolution adopting a Public Participation Plan for the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan Interim Update (2023) and authorizing the Planning Division to draft amendments to the text and maps in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, and more!
Transportation Commission: The Transportation Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 in virtual format at 5:00 PM. Agenda items include an update on the Metro Network Redesign Implementation, adopting the Reiner Neighborhood Development Plan, a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan and more!
WisDOT and City of Madison Host Public Meetings for Interstate Study: The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and City of Madison invite you to attend one of two meetings to discuss potential changes to the Interstate and interchanges in the Madison area. These alternatives are part of WisDOT’s larger I-39/90/94 corridor study that stretches from Madison to Wisconsin Dells. View study information and the proposed alternatives, submit comments, and sign-up for email updates on WisDOT’s project website: tinyurl.com/InterstateStudyPI . Both meetings will start at 6 p.m. with a brief presentation, followed by an open house.
Tuesday, May 23, 6:00-7:30 p.m., American Family Insurance Headquarters, Building A, Room A2151, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783
Thursday, June 1, 6:00-7:30 p.m., Steamfitters Local 601 Training Facility, 6310 Town Center Drive, Madison, WI 53718
Northeast Area Plan Upcoming Meeting: The Northeast Area Planning team has already collected valuable feedback from the community, and we would like to report back to you and hear your thoughts. Both meetings will have the same content. Spanish interpretation, childcare assistance, and light refreshments will be provided for the in-person discussion.
Virtual May 30, 6 p.m. With Spanish interpretation Register
In-person May 31, 6 p.m. Fleet Services Facility 4151 Nakoosa Trail, Madison, WI 53714 Training Room
East Side Farmers’ Market, Tuesday, May 23, 2023: The Eastside Farmers’ Market is Madison Wisconsin’s finest weekday farmers’ market. Our goal is to bring the freshest Wisconsin grown food direct to the heart of the East side. Our vendor members are agricultural producers and food artisans who make value added products from Wisconsin’s agricultural bounty.
Dane County Farmers’ Market – Wednesday Market, Wednesday, May 24, 2023: The Wednesday Dane County Farmers’ Market is located on the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in between the Madison Municipal Building and the City County Building. While more intimate than the Saturday Market, you will still find many of your favorite Dane County Farmers’ Market members, as well as a full array of fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, bakery items, cut flowers, plants, and many specialty items.
The event begins with a short presentation followed by an official ribbon cutting! Then stay for the games, activities, and building tours.
4:30 pm: Short Presentation and Ribbon Cutting
Scheduled Remarks:
Alder Tag Evers, City of Madison, District 13
Alder Isadore Knox, City of Madison, District 14
Maia Person, Vice President, MMSD Board of Education
Dr. Carlton D. Jenkins, MMSD Superintendent
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, City of Madison
5-7 pm: Open House
Annual Spring Break-A-Way 3on3 Basketball Tournament Series, Friday, May 26, 2023: After March Madness, the real tournament begins with the Annual Spring Break-A-Way 3on3 Basketball Tournament Series. Northside teens compete in a double-elimination tournament while enjoying a free meal. With on-site registration, players simply have to show up with two friends, or we will find a team for drop-in players. The tournament series is held on Friday nights: April 28, May 19 & May 26 (5pm-8pm), and includes middle school and high school divisions.
Bird & Nature Adventures – Edna Taylor Area, Saturday, May 27, 2023: Signs of Spring with Mary Binkley ~ Join Naturalist Mary Binkley for a free fun fascinating family-friendly guided walk or take a walk on your own any day in May to follow beautiful walking trails at Aldo Leopold Nature Center and Edna Taylor Conservation Park to look for Signs of Spring! Are Sandhill Cranes trumpeting their calls by the wetland? Do you see budding leaves, and spring flowers emerging? Use a guidebook or apps such as Merlin and Seek to help you ID birds and plants and post your findings!
Vegan Sausage Fest, Saturday, May 27, 2023: Vegan Sausage Fest will showcase how you can have delicious, creative dishes that don’t take lives. That feature local products and produce.
West Area Plan Community Survey Ends May 31!: The planning team has been collecting community feedback over the past 4 months on assets, issues and opportunities. If you have not had the chance yet, please share what you like best about the West Area and what you would like the plan to cover by completing the West Area Community Survey! It will close May 31. You can visit the webpage to see what others have been saying. Your feedback will be used to draft initial concepts and recommendations. The planning team will schedule community feedback opportunities for July and August to review the initial recommendations. Subscribe to the Plan’s email list to receive feedback opportunities and other Plan information.
Violence Prevention Funding Supports Community Programs: Public Health Madison & Dane County is now accepting applications from local community organizations to receive funding that supports violence prevention efforts in Dane County. “We are taking a public health approach to tackling this complex and far-reaching issue. That means looking at things like poverty, housing inequality, and lack of social connectedness, each associated with violence. But, we can’t do it alone,” said Director of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation, Aurielle Smith. Find out more: https://www.cityofmadison.com/news/violence-prevention-funding-supports-community-programs
Make Music Madison Returns This Summer, June 21st: For the 11th year in a row, the City of Madison will become a stage with hundreds of free live performances throughout the City. Make Music Madison returns the first day of summer, June 21. Coffee shops, community centers, front porches, public libraries, and park shelters will be jamming will all kinds of music that will make you want to dance! The City is thrilled to once again be supporting this event. Registration for performers and venues is open now through May 25 at makemusicmadison.org. Registration is free.
Free Summer Metro Bus Pass Program for MMSD Students: For the third year in a row, the City of Madison is giving every Madison Metropolitan School Districts Middle and High School student a free Metro bus pass for the summer. This summer Metro has made 7,000 passes available to MMSD students. Click here to learn more.
WisDOT and City of Madison Host Public Meetings for Interstate Study: The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and City of Madison invite you to attend one of two meetings to discuss potential changes to the Interstate and interchanges in the Madison area. These alternatives are
Friends of Madison Public Library BIG BOOK SALE: Seven library Friends’ groups are pooling their inventory for a large sale of gently used and donated books. The sale takes place Saturday, June 3, 2023, 9am-3pm, rain or shine, at the Madison Public Library Service & Support Center at 1301 W. Badger Road in Madison. All proceeds benefit Madison Public Libraries.
Open House Planned for MSCR and Madison Parks: Madison School & Community Recreation (MSCR) and Madison Parks invite the community to a Ribbon Cutting Dedication and Open House in their new central, lakeside offices, located at 328 and 330 E. Lakeside Street.
Madison Awarded Women’s Pro Soccer Franchise in USL Super League: The City of Madison and the ownership of Forward Madison FC announced today that the Club has secured the rights to a USL Super League franchise, contingent on facility improvements that would allow for a viable profession…
Street Closure–S Broom Street & W Wilson Street: Starting Monday, May 22, S Broom Street will be fully closed to traffic between W Wilson Street and W Doty Street, and eastbound W Wilson Street will be closed between S Broom Street and S Henry Street. Map of closures at…
The spring curbside yard waste collection is now over. Curbside pickup will resume in the fall. You should take your yard waste to a drop-off site instead at this time.
We’re still seeing a lot of folks unaware that Badger Rd drop-off site is permanently closed. It’s a tough feeling to have a car loaded with stuff only to find out upon arrival that the site is closed. Please encourage your neighbors, friends, family and so on to check our drop-off site webpage before loading their car. The hours, locations, and restrictions are all available there. The drop-off site webpage is www.cityofmadison.com/DropOffSites
Remember large item pickup is also different than in years past, too. Crews do not roam around looking for items the week opposite recycling. You need to fill out a work order form to get your home on our pickup schedule. When you make your work order, you set the item out on the date you choose, and collection occurs during the work week following your set-out date.
Brush collection is still ongoing and will last into September. More information about brush collection can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/BrushCollection.
Food scraps drop off has returned to two Tuesday evening farmers’ market. The Eastside Farmers’ Market in McPike Park and the South Madison Farmers’ Market at the corner of South Park and West Wingra will both be open starting May 23. You can find out more details about the food scraps you can drop off for composting and other important specifics at www.cityofmadison.com/FoodScraps.
WisDOT and City of Madison Host Public Meetings for Interstate Study
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and City of Madison invite you to attend one of two meetings to discuss potential changes to the Interstate and interchanges in the Madison area. These alternatives are part of WisDOT’s larger I-39/90/94 corridor study that stretches from Madison to Wisconsin Dells. View study information and the proposed alternatives, submit comments, and sign-up for email updates on WisDOT’s project website: tinyurl.com/InterstateStudyPI. Both meetings will start at 6 p.m. with a brief presentation, followed by an open house.
Tuesday, May 23, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
American Family Insurance Headquarters, Building A, Room A2151
6000 American Parkway
Madison, WI 53783
Thursday, June 1, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Steamfitters Local 601 Training Facility
6310 Town Center Drive
Madison, WI 53718
Northeast Area Plan Upcoming Meeting
The Northeast Area Planning team has already collected valuable feedback from the community, and we would like to report back to you and hear your thoughts. Both meetings will have the same content. Spanish interpretation, childcare assistance, and light refreshments will be provided for the in-person discussion.
Virtual May 30, 6 p.m. With Spanish interpretation Register
In-person May 31, 6 p.m. Fleet Services Facility 4151 Nakoosa Trail, Madison, WI 53714 Training Room
West Area Plan Community Survey Ends May 31!
The planning team has been collecting community feedback over the past 4 months on assets, issues and opportunities. If you have not had the chance yet, please share what you like best about the West Area and what you would like the plan to cover by completing the West Area Community Survey! It will close May 31. You can visit the webpage to see what others have been saying. Your feedback will be used to draft initial concepts and recommendations. The planning team will schedule community feedback opportunities for July and August to review the initial recommendations. Subscribe to the Plan’s email list to receive feedback opportunities and other Plan information.
Violence Prevention Funding Supports Community Programs
Public Health Madison & Dane County is now accepting applications from local community organizations to receive funding that supports violence prevention efforts in Dane County. “We are taking a public health approach to tackling this complex and far-reaching issue. That means looking at things like poverty, housing inequality, and lack of social connectedness, each associated with violence. But, we can’t do it alone,” said Director of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation, Aurielle Smith. Find out more:
For the 11th year in a row, the City of Madison will become a stage with hundreds of free live performances throughout the City. Make Music Madison returns the first day of summer, June 21. Coffee shops, community centers, front porches, public libraries, and park shelters will be jamming will all kinds of music that will make you want to dance! The City is thrilled to once again be supporting this event. Registration for performers and venues is open now through May 25 at makemusicmadison.org. Registration is free.
Free Summer Metro Bus Pass Program for MMSD Students
For the third year in a row, the City of Madison is giving every Madison Metropolitan School Districts Middle and High School student a free Metro bus pass for the summer. This summer Metro has made 7,000 passes available to MMSD students. Click here to learn more.
Streets Division Updates
The spring curbside yard waste collection is now over. Curbside pickup will resume in the fall. You should take your yard waste to a drop-off site instead at this time.
We’re still seeing a lot of folks unaware that Badger Rd drop-off site is permanently closed. It’s a tough feeling to have a car loaded with stuff only to find out upon arrival that the site is closed. Please encourage your neighbors, friends, family and so on to check our drop-off site webpage before loading their car. The hours, locations, and restrictions are all available there. The drop-off site webpage is www.cityofmadison.com/DropOffSites
Remember large item pickup is also different than in years past, too. Crews do not roam around looking for items the week opposite recycling. You need to fill out a work order form to get your home on our pickup schedule. When you make your work order, you set the item out on the date you choose, and collection occurs during the work week following your set-out date.
Brush collection is still ongoing and will last into September. More information about brush collection can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/BrushCollection.
Food scraps drop off has returned to two Tuesday evening farmers’ market. The Eastside Farmers’ Market in McPike Park and the South Madison Farmers’ Market at the corner of South Park and West Wingra will both be open starting May 23. You can find out more details about the food scraps you can drop off for composting and other important specifics at www.cityofmadison.com/FoodScraps.
Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 in hybrid format at 6:30 PM. Agenda items include recognizing and honoring Leslie Watkins for her exceptional contributions to the community; and amending the City of Madison Official Map to establish mapped reservations for future streets and highways in the City of Madison consistent with recommendations in the adopted the Greater East Towne Area Plan; and more!
Economic Development Committee: The Economic Development Committee will take place on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 in virtual format at 5:00 PM. Agenda items include adopting the Final Report of the Task Force on Farmland Preservation & more!
Bartillon Shelter Public Meeting, Wednesday, May 17, 2023: The City of Madison is collaborating with Dane County to plan for and design a purpose-built shelter facility that will serve primarily men in our community who experience homelessness. The facility, to be built at 1904 Bartillon Drive, will be Madison’s first purpose-built shelter. Please join the City of Madison, Dane County and Porchlight, Inc at one of the three upcoming public information meetings to get an overview of the project, pre-design concepts and information on next steps.
5:30-7 p.m., May 17, 2023, in person at Hawthorne Library, 2707 E Washington Ave., Madison, Wis., 53704
East Side Farmers’ Market, Tuesday, May 16, 2023 : The Eastside Farmers’ Market is Madison Wisconsin’s finest weekday farmers’ market. Our goal is to bring the freshest Wisconsin grown food direct to the heart of the East side. Our vendor members are agricultural producers and food artisans who make value added products from Wisconsin’s agricultural bounty.
Movin’ Out Financial Literacy Series (#2 – Budgeting), Tuesday, May 16, 2023: The City of Madison, in partnership with Movin’ Out, invite South Madison residents to participate in Movin’ Out’s financial wellness series! This six-session financial literacy program covers a range of topics to provide a solid understanding of the fundamentals of personal finance. In between sessions, interested participants can work with Movin’ Out’s Counseling staff on their own financial goals toward homeownership.
Dane County Farmers’ Market – Wednesday Market, Wednesday, May 17, 2023 : The Wednesday Dane County Farmers’ Market is located on the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in between the Madison Municipal Building and the City County Building. While more intimate than the Saturday Market, you will still find many of your favorite Dane County Farmers’ Market members, as well as a full array of fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, bakery items, cut flowers, plants, and many specialty items.
Edna Taylor Volunteer Day, Wednesday, May 17, 2023: Madison Parks and the Friends of Edna Taylor Conservation Park are seeking volunteers in conservation to assist in removing invasive plants in the park. Participants will learn plant identification, conservation methods, and help remove garlic mustard. Bags, gloves and instructions will be provided.
Voices of Color with Host Melvin Hinton, Thursday, May 18, 2023: Our community is a rich mix of many different cultures. Being an inclusive community means learning about and appreciating our differences. It means unlearning stereotypes and ideas that we may have of one another; some of which are ingrained in the fabric of society. Join us on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am to learn about and meet individuals whose diverse leadership is shaping the future of our community. A virtual presentation sponsored by the Madison Senior Center.
Wright Design Series: Taliesin Then and Now, Thursday, May 18, 2023: Ryan Hewson has been a preservation staff member at Taliesin since 2008. In his current role, he is responsible for the oversight and planning of preservation. Hewson received his Master’s degree in Architecture from The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. You’ll learn about the history of the buildings on the Taliesin property that served as Wright’s architectural laboratory. And Hewson will discuss preservation techniques and plans that are underway, and share different ways to engage with what’s happening at Taliesin now.
Annual Spring Break-A-Way 3on3 Basketball Tournament Series, Friday, May 19, 2023: After March Madness, the real tournament begins with the Annual Spring Break-A-Way 3on3 Basketball Tournament Series. Northside teens compete in a double-elimination tournament while enjoying a free meal. With on-site registration, players simply have to show up with two friends, or we will find a team for drop-in players. The tournament series is held on Friday nights: April 28, May 19 & May 26 (5pm-8pm), and includes middle school and high school divisions.
Volunteer Day at The Glen, Saturday, May 20, 2023: The Glen Golf Park is establishing an ongoing volunteer program that helps volunteers learn, grow personally and gain professional experience. Projects vary and include land management of natural areas – weeding, planting, seed collection, woody plant removal; Horticultural detailing – maintaining landscape beds, mulching, weeding; and more!
HUD-Approved Homebuyer Education, Saturday, May 20, 2023: Take the first step to owning a home, and join us in this Home Buyer Education Workshop. This FREE HUD-Approved homebuyer educationworkshop takes place in person and lunch is provided.
Heritage Sanctuary Volunteer Day, Saturday, May 20, 2023: Madison Parks is seeking volunteers in conservation to assist in removing invasive plants in Heritage Sanctuary Conservation Park. Participants will learn plant identification, conservation methods, ecological restoration efforts and methods, as well as park history.
Bird & Nature Adventures – Starkweather Creek Area, Saturday, May 20, 2023: Explore the Creek with James Winkelman ~ Join James Winkelman and Friends of Starkweather Creek for a free fun family-friendly canoe outing or take a healthy nature walk, bike ride or canoe outing any day in May along Starkweather Creek! Some canoes will be provided, bring your own canoe or kayak and vest and paddles if you have them. Join the Friends to help support preserving this amazing urban waterway ecosystem!
Edna Taylor Volunteer Day, Saturday, May 20, 2023: Madison Parks and the Friends of Edna Taylor Conservation Park are seeking volunteers in conservation to assist in removing invasive plants in the park. Participants will learn plant identification, conservation methods, and help remove garlic mustard. Bags, gloves and instructions will be provided.
Picnic in the Park, Saturday, May 20, 2023: Step back in time to a 1950s cocktail club as we re-create the Madison Park and Pleasure Drive’s Annual Banquet which brought private citizens together & sparked the creation of our public parks as we know them today. The tradition continues at Burrows Park & features an expertly crafted, themed event that includes lavish food & drinks as well as live music to help us celebrate 128 years of Madison Parks!
WORTstock, Sunday, May 21, 2023 : WORTstock is WORT 89.9 FM Community Radio’s multicultural live music festival with food and craft vendors, info tables, prize raffle, and children’s activities.
Bird & Nature Adventures – Warner Park, Sunday, May 21, 2023: Looking for Lichens with Steven Ansorge ~ Join Naturalist Steven Ansorge to look for and learn about the fascinating world of Lichens! These simple-looking growths on rocks and trees are surprisingly complex hybrid organisms based on a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) combination of fungus and algae. Their ability to grow on bare rock and break down minerals helps create the foundations of life for other organisms. Lichens only thrive when the air is clean and are used as a scientific indicator of air quality.
Meadowlands and Tree Lane Resource Fairs: Does your organization provide activities, resources, or services that could benefit the children and families living in the Meadowlands and Tree Lane Apartments this summer? Public Health Madison & Dane County is hosting resource fairs at each of these locations in May.
Meadowlands Apartments – 6810 Milwaukee St., Saturday, May 20th 12-3pm
Tree Lane Family Apartments – 7933 Tree Ln., Wednesday, May 24th 3-6 pm
If you would like to attend one or both of these fairs, please complete the following survey to assist with planning. Or contactour team at violenceprevention@publichealthmdc.com.
Finance Committee: The Finance Committee meeting will be held in virtual format on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 4:30 PM. Agenda item include amending the 2023 adopted Mayor’s Office Sustainability Improvements Project Capital Budget to accept a grant award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA); and more!
Madison Arts Commission: The Madison Arts Commission will be held virtually on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 5:30 PM. Agenda items include naming of Madison’s next Youth Poet Laureate, and more!
West Area Open House, Wednesday, May 10, 2023: During the West Area Plan kickoff meetings residents shared questions and comments about a variety of topics and projects other City departments and divisions are working on. As a result, Planning Division staff coordinated a multi-agency open house to bring together residents and staff from various City divisions. The open house is scheduled for Wednesday, May 10, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Lussier Community Education Center, 55 S. Gammon Road. Please join us – Metro service is available on route 67 and parking is also available pdf . The open house will cover a variety of projects pdf and initiatives.
East Side Farmers’ Market, Tuesday, May 9, 2023: The Eastside Farmers’ Market is Madison Wisconsin’s finest weekday farmers’ market. Our goal is to bring the freshest Wisconsin grown food direct to the heart of the East side. Our vendor members are agricultural producers and food artisans who make value added products from Wisconsin’s agricultural bounty.
Dane County Farmers’ Market – Wednesday Market, Wednesday, May 10, 2023: The Wednesday Dane County Farmers’ Market is located on the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in between the Madison Municipal Building and the City County Building. While more intimate than the Saturday Market, you will still find many of your favorite Dane County Farmers’ Market members, as well as a full array of fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, bakery items, cut flowers, plants, and many specialty items.
Conservation Park Tour – Heritage Sanctuary, Wednesday, May 10, 2023: It’s our annual wildflower walk! Heritage Sanctuary is known for its robust display of “spring ephemeral” wildflowers. Join conservation staff, enjoy the blooms and learn about how this habitat came to be.
Conservation Park Tours are educational staff-guided walks held at various conservation parks on the 2nd Wednesday, May – October. Event starting times vary, depending on the sunset, and typically last about 90 minutes. Walks are held rain or shine, free to attend, easy-paced, and family-friendly. No registration is required. Most locations do NOT have restrooms. As always, dogs and pets are prohibited in all conservation parks.
WPCRC Family Fun Night, Friday, May 12, 2023: WPCRC Family Fun Nights are in partnership with Madison School Community Recreation and offers local families a wide selection of fun activities. Sign your family up today!
Heads Up!
Meadowlands and Tree Lane Resource Fairs: Does your organization provide activities, resources, or services that could benefit the children and families living in the Meadowlands and Tree Lane Apartments this summer? Public Health Madison & Dane County is hosting resource fairs at each of these locations in May.
Meadowlands Apartments – 6810 Milwaukee St., Saturday, May 20th 12-3pm
Tree Lane Apartments – 7510 Tree Ln, Wednesday, May 24th 3-6 pm
If you would like to attend one or both of these fairs, please complete the following survey to assist with planning. Or contactour team at violenceprevention@publichealthmdc.com.
Don’t Miss Your Final Spring Yard Waste Collection: The Streets Division is wrapping up the spring yard waste collection. For certain neighborhoods, the final set out for spring yard waste collection is this coming up Sunday, May 7, 2023.
Make Music Madison Returns June 21: For the 11th year in a row, the City of Madison will become a stage with hundreds of free live performances throughout the City.
Mow Two Times this Low Mow May 2023: The City invites the community to support its pollinators and green spaces by mowing less and joining in its Low Mow May 2023 efforts.
Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 in hybrid format at 6:30 PM. Agenda items include proclaiming May 2023 to be Jewish American Heritage Month and recognizing May 2023 as Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month in the City of Madison. Other agenda items include authorizing the use of up to $123,000 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to implement a neighborhood improvement project identified in the South Madison Neighborhood Plan; and amending Section 33.09(3) of the Madison General Ordinances to combine the City-County Homeless Issues Committee, Landlord and Tenant Issues Committee.
Board of Public Works: The Board of Public Works will take place on Tuesday, May 3, 2023 in virtual format at 4:30 PM. Agenda items include amending the City of Madison Official Map to establish mapped reservations for future Streets and Highways in the City of Madison consistent with recommendations in the adopted the Greater East Towne Area Plan.
District 12 Sidewalk Replacement Program: The District 12 Sidewalk Replacement Program will take place on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM.The public information meeting for District 12 Sidewalk Replacement Program has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., May 3, 2023, via Zoom. Registration prior is required.
East Side Farmers’ Market, Tuesday, May 2, 2023:The Eastside Farmers’ Market is Madison Wisconsin’s finest weekday farmers’ market. Our goal is to bring the freshest Wisconsin grown food direct to the heart of the East side. Our vendor members are agricultural producers and food artisans who make value added products from Wisconsin’s agricultural bounty.
Dane County Farmers’ Market – Wednesday Market, Wednesday, May 3, 2023: The Wednesday Dane County Farmers’ Market is located on the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in between the Madison Municipal Building and the City County Building. While more intimate than the Saturday Market, you will still find many of your favorite Dane County Farmers’ Market members, as well as a full array of fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, bakery items, cut flowers, plants, and many specialty items.
Wright Design Series: People Are My Medium, Wednesday, May 3, 2023: Joe Dreher considers himself a social artist, producing work mainly described as installation art. He uses a number of tools and mediums to create his work including photography, murals, street art, wheat paste, painting, sculpture, architecture, and poetry.
Strategies to Prevent Basement Flooding, Thursday, May 4, 2023: Ever had water in your basement? Whether it’s a reoccurring issue or has only happened during extreme weather conditions, in most cases, it can be avoided. With some planning, a few rules and basic landscaping tools, most homeowners can address this problem on their own. Sponsored by MG&E.
SpringFest Arts & Crafts Fair, Saturday, May 6, 2023: Join us for the 18th annual SpringFest Arts & Crafts Fair. Over 80 crafters from the Midwest will be selling their handmade goods. You can expect to see a variety of jewelry, baskets, garden art, cards, pottery, woodwork, baby gifts, soaps, balms, lotions, knitwear, paintings, home décor and more! It’s the perfect place to find a unique gift for that special someone (or for yourself).
Peak Hour Lane Closure–West Johnson Street: Beginning Friday, April 28 at 7:00 a.m. JH Findorff will be reducing the 300 block of West Johnson Street to two lanes at all times (N Broom Street to State Street).
Open House for Upcoming Plans in West Area: The City of Madison Planning Division is excited to announce an Open House for upcoming plans, projects, and initiatives in the West Area.
Accessible Taxi Grants Will Help Fill Transit Gaps: People who use wheelchairs face barriers to daily living activities, social outings, and fully participating in what the City has to offer, because of inadequate accessible transportation options.
Lieutenant Lori Chalecki does not hesitate when asked what question she most frequently fielded, as the Lieutenant of Patrol for Midtown District in 2022. “People wanted to know how to get a copy of a report” Chalecki says. In that spirit, we are taking a deep dive into how many requests Madison Police receives each year for records, the laws that govern records releases, and how you can access this service.
Last year, the Madison Police Department processed 32,006 records requests, or an average of 87 every day of the calendar year. The vast majority of records requests are for police reports, according to MPD Records Custodian Julie Laundrie. “We are in a time of police reform” says Chief Shon Barnes. “We know transparency and information sharing are needed to provide a high quality of service.”
Wisconsin’s Public Records Law, and at the federal level, the Freedom of Information Act, provide structure for how records are released. Law enforcement records have limits to their release, which will be explored in depth below.
In fulfilling records requests, it is important to know that released information may be redacted. Redaction of a record means specific words or phrases are removed from the document, before it is released to the requestor. The Wisconsin Public Records law says records are available unless there is statute or case law that limits the release, or the balancing test is applied and the benefit of inspection is outweighed by the harm it would cause. When applying the balancing test, a custodian cannot deny or redact records because the release may cause embarrassment or reputational harm. The harm must be a harm that would impact the public in general and not one person in particular. A good example of a public harm redaction from a police report would be a redaction/removal of a statement about someone else’s mental health or alcohol use made by an individual that is not a health professional. Because of the known stigma of mental health and alcoholism, it is likely in the best interest of the public that unqualified claims about alcohol use or mental health be redacted for public release.
When a record is released, there may still be redacted segments. Information redacted from police reports may include home addresses, birth dates and personal phone numbers. Other redacted information can include details in sensitive crimes, unsubstantiated allegations, juvenile identities and statements, and medical information.
Public records laws were enacted in 1982. These laws have been untouched by legislature since they were enacted, except by case law. The same laws that govern MPD records apply to public records for school districts, boards, municipal divisions, town, village, city, county and state entities.
In late 2022, the City of Madison annexed portions of the Town of Madison. This process brought into MPD some Town of Madison Police Department’s records, dating back to 1980. In addition to paper records, MPD took on the Town of Madison’s audio and video from body cams and squad, and evidence the Town of Madison had retained.
You can request information through our records unit in a variety of ways:
In person: stop by the City-County Building at the address above
By fax: 608-267-1117 Our records department has a request guide you can find online at this link. You can find this document in Spanish here
Meet Dr. Hunt
As MPD works toward continuous process improvement and transparency, a Police Director of Data, Reform and Innovation was envisioned. This new position was filled by Dr. Eleazer “Lee” Hunt, and is the civilian equivalent of an assistant chief. Dr. Hunt has oversight of MPD Records, IT, and Crime Analysis.
The position will help the department focus on evidence-based policing, community engagement and transparencies. Dr. Hunt will analyze data and help identify solutions to problems officers see in the community. “We want to implement and apply crime reduction strategies that work, that will reduce crime without having to increase arrests,” Hunt said about his new position. Dr. Hunt has worked in law enforcement and the public sector for more than 25 years. He began his career as an archaeologist and found many similarities between policing and archaeology. The recording of a crime scene or archaeological site requires keen observation, note taking, photographs and evidence collecting to recreate and preserve the event. He enjoys hiking and gardening.
While a Buffalo, New York native, Dr. Hunt and his wife are excited to be living in Madison.
6th Annual Battle of the Badges
Madison Police and Madison Fire clashed in the 6th annual “Battle of the Badges” hockey game, a charitable endeavor that goes far beyond bragging rights for the winning team. $20,000 was raised for recipient Safe Communities and specifically, their recovery coaching program. Recovery coaches are individuals or affected family members in long term recovery from substance misuse and/or mental health experiences. These remarkable people use their own lived experiences to walk alongside individuals they are serving. Safe Communities’ Executive Director Cheryl Wittke and many of Safe Communities’ recovery coaches worked the hockey game or appeared in support of this collaboration. First responders can play a key role in connecting individuals in active addiction with area recovery resources like Safe Communities. “Addiction has no boundaries,” said Travis Hilliard of the Police Team. “Anything we can do to support those families and people [impacted]” is why he takes part in this annual fundraiser.
Crime Report – Stolen Autos Trend Down
For the first time in ten years, the Madison Police Department saw a drop in the number of motor vehicle thefts. That did not happen by chance, but through data informed policing and tenacious, innovative work. “Stolen autos” were identified as a top priority in MPD’s 2022 Summer Strategic Plan. The stolen auto group consisted of detectives from both the Burglary Crime Unit (BCU) and each MPD District, which formed a comprehensive team to tackle these crimes.
The drop in motor vehicle thefts also occurred in a year in which a historic number of Kia and Hyundai models were targeted for auto theft, due to a widely known defect in their security system.
Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 in hybrid format at 6:30 PM. Agenda items include amending the 2023 operating budget and setting the 2023 rates for the sewer utility, stormwater utility and landfill remediation (citywide); amending portions of Section 9.23 of the Madison General Ordinances relating to regulation of mobile home parks; repealing and amending sections of the Madison General Ordinances to remove the penalty of possession of certain weapons; and more.
Stormwater, Parks, Land Use and more at West Area Open House on May 10! The West Area Plan team will host an Open House on May 10 at Lussier Community Education Center from 6:30-8:00 p.m. 55 S. Gammon Road. City agencies will give short presentations on projects spanning land use planning, transportation, stormwater management, water quality protection, parks and open space and more. Residents will also have the chance to talk with staff to learn more including how these projects may affect them and how they can be involved. Visit the West Area Plan webpage to learn more, and to sign up for the email list to receive regular West Area Plan updates.
Dane County Farmers’ Market – Wednesday Market: The Wednesday Dane County Farmers’ Market is located on the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in between the Madison Municipal Building and the City County Building. While more intimate than the Saturday Market, you will still find many of your favorite Dane County Farmers’ Market members, as well as a full array of fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, bakery items, cut flowers, plants, and many specialty items.
East Side Farmers’ Market, Tuesday, April 25, 2023 : The Eastside Farmers’ Market is Madison Wisconsin’s finest weekday farmers’ market. Our goal is to bring the freshest Wisconsin grown food direct to the heart of the East side. Our vendor members are agricultural producers and food artisans who make value added products from Wisconsin’s agricultural bounty.
Dane County Farmers’ Market – Wednesday Market: The Wednesday Dane County Farmers’ Market is located on the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in between the Madison Municipal Building and the City County Building. While more intimate than the Saturday Market, you will still find many of your favorite Dane County Farmers’ Market members, as well as a full array of fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, bakery items, cut flowers, plants, and many specialty items.
Annual Spring Break-A-Way 3on3 Basketball Tournament Series | April 28: After March Madness, the real tournament begins with the Annual Spring Break-A-Way 3on3 Basketball Tournament Series. Northside teens compete in a double-elimination tournament while enjoying a free meal. With on-site registration, players simply have to show up with two friends, or we will find a team for drop-in players. The tournament series is held on Friday nights: April 28, May 19 & May 26 (5pm-8pm), and includes middle school and high school divisions. Please stay home if you feel sick. For sponsorship or volunteer opportunities, contact Zach at 608-245-3684 or zwatson@cityofmadison.com.
HUD-Approved Homebuyer Education Class (2-Part Class)(April 22 and 29): This class is offered virtually and in person as a two part series. If you need help registering email cmonsivais@lacasadeesperanza.org.Your Path to Homeownership is provided by La Casa de Esperanza, a Non-Profit HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency dedicated to assisting individuals and families to increase income, build savings and gain assets. Our focus on financial wellness is supported by the Center’s programs and services which include; home buyer education and counseling, free tax services, employment coaching, financial coaching and access to financial workshops. Our people-centered approach supports our belief that everyone deserves an opportunity to work on their financial wellness.
Prescribed Burn Crew Member Volunteer Training, Saturday, April 29, 2023: Join Conservation Resource Supervisor, and DNR-certified Burn Boss, Paul Quinlan for a Burn Crew Member Volunteer Training. Meet Paul and team at Elver Park, behind the main shelter to learn basic fire management as an ecological tool in prairie or mixed hardwood forest, as well as safety during prescribed burns. You’ll also learn the laws and rules Law and rules, proper burning conditions and basic fire methods.
Inspired by Wright: A Hands-on FLW Tour, Saturday, April 29: Join us for this hands-on Frank Lloyd Wright Tour demonstrating how Wright saw geometric shapes as underlying forms of nature and applied them to almost all his work. As you tour the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, you’ll learn how this unique site influenced Wright’s choice of geometry, which is expressed in nearly every aspect of the building and grounds.
Barks in Parks: Sculpture Unveiling, Sunday, April 30, 2023:Join the Madison Parks Foundation at Quann Dog Park on April 30 as they unveil the new custom pet tribute and memorial sculpture. This art sculpture memorial will offer the public a way to commemorate their pets while supporting Madison dog parks.
Save the Date!
Fire OPS 101, Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 : Join us for Fire OPS 101 and experience a day in the life of a fire fighter! Fire OPS is a program that allows community leaders and elected officials to experience a day in the life of a firefighter. You will dress in turnout gear and will participate in realistic scenarios that we face on a day-to-day basis. The scenarios will include fire attack, search and rescue, vehicle extrication, and emergency medical services.
Earth Day Events in Madison Parks: This weekend, April 22 and 23 celebrate Earth Day with Madison Parks, the Friends of Urban Nature and volunteers across the city.
Upcoming events with Ash Armenta, Thurber Park Artist-in-Residence: Madison, WI – Artist-in-Residence Ash Armenta, The Madison Arts Commission, and The Bubbler at Madison Public Library are pleased to announce a series of fun, free, creative events at the Thurber Park residency space.
Madison Public Library Celebrates National Library Week: National Library Week takes place April 23-29, 2023. Madison Public Library will be celebrating in-person in our libraries, as well as online via social media. National Library Week was first celebrated in 1958 by the National Book Committee and has since evolved into an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening our communities.
Sound the Alarm. Save a Life! The American Red Cross is making homes fire resistant through the Red Cross Home Fire Preparedness Campaign. At no cost, you can have the Red Cross visit your home and demonstrate some simple changes that will help protect your family against fires including:
Free smoke alarm installation if no working smoke alarms are present in your home
Guidance in developing a Family Disaster Plan
Valuable emergency preparedness tips and information
Visit the Red Cross webpage to learn more and to setup your free appointment.
Streets Division Updates
Food scraps recycling returns to the Eastside Farmers’ Market on April 25! For more details about location, times, and the kind of food you can bring, go to www.cityofmadison.com/FoodScraps
If you are working on your garden and would like some mulch, don’t forget that the City has mulch available at 121 E. Olin Avenue. Details about the wood mulch can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/Mulch.
With Earth Day coming up soon, make sure you are recycling right. One easy thing you can do is be sure that you are not putting plastic bags in your recycling cart. They don’t belong there. Learn more about what belongs in your recycling cart on the Streets Division’s website, www.cityofmadison.com/Recycling.