2023-07-28 Neighborhood News & Updates

Stay Cool and Be Safe in the Heat

Public Health Madison Dane County offers tips on how to stay cool and hydrated in the heat. Visit their webpage to learn what you, your friends and family can do to be safe while continuing to enjoy the summer.

Streets Division Updates

  • 121 Olin Avenue Closed: The Streets Division facility at 121 Olin Avenue will be closed to the public on Friday, July 28 and Saturday July 29, 2023. You will not be able to pick up mulch, use the drop-off site, or deliver brush during these days.

Student Move Out: The annual August moving days are getting underway soon. All of the details about the Streets Division operations, and how you can help make it a fast and safe move out, can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/MovingDays.


West Area Plan at Rennebohm Park!

The West Area Plan will host a public meeting at Rennebohm Park August 2 for review and feedback on first draft recommendations focused on land use and bicycle/pedestrian connections:

  • August 2, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Rennebohm Park Shelter, 115 N. Eau Claire Ave. This is an open house style meeting and a food Carts in Parks event, with Taquitos Marimar and Little Sister Cookies – swing by for great food, stay for the West Area Plan! Food carts are weather dependent; West Area Plan discussion is rain or shine in the shelter.

The West Area Plan team has completed an underlying plan review, which has been posted to the project web page.

Also, the Parks Division is continuing with parks development planning in the West Area, with several additional parks-foused feedback opportunities:

  • A parks-focused survey closes August 4th.
  • A parks-focused virtual public meeting is scheduled for 2-3:30 p.m. on August 8th (see the project website for signup information).

Parks Alive is continuing building strong neighborhoods!

Events are held in parks across the city and throughout the summer. Checkout all of the Parks Alive events and other summer activities listed on the Parks calendar.

Allied Park Monday, July 31 & August 7 Movie: Shang-Chi
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Aldo Leopold Park Tuesday, August 1 Movie: Wakanda Forever
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Hammersley Park Wednesday, August 2 Movie: Soul
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Owl Creek Park Thursday, August 3 Movie: Space Jam a New Legacy
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Worthington Park Tuesday, August 8
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Warner Park Wednesday, August 9 Movie- Encanto
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Meadowood Park Wednesday, August 9
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Penn Park Thursday August 10 – Movie Ant Man and the Wasp
5:00pm to 8:00pm

Dane Dances Every Friday in August!

Dane Dances is enthusiastically kicking off its 24th season, “A Season of Togetherness,” on Friday, August 4 from 5:30 to 9:30 pm. New this year they’ll engage the audience with DJ Francis Medrano and free dance lessons starting at 5:30 pm each week. This year Dane Dances is celebrating the contributions of all those who are making our community great. Opening night is “Show Your Colors Night,” and you’re encouraged to dress to represent your company, club, church, country, Greek organization, non-profit, school, and/or profession. Dane Dances is celebrating what we bring to the community and we want everyone to feel welcome at our events!  No tickets are needed or required. 

2023-07-21 Updates from Alder Wehelie

Virtual Neighborhood Meeting re: 4109 Maple Grove Drive – July 26, 2023, 7:00 pm

Ideation Builders proposes to develop the property at 4109 Maple Grove Drive, which is the vacant northeast corner of Nesbitt Road and Maple Grove Drive. The proposal is to construct a two- to three-story multi-family building consisting of 18-24 units with underground parking, as allowed under the current Suburban Residential (SR-V2) zoning.A virtual neighborhood meeting to hear more about this proposal is scheduled for Wednesday, July 26, at 7:00pm. You can join the meeting using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingJuly26MapleGrove .

Virtual Public Input Meeting re: Country Grove Park Shelter – July 27, 2023, 6:00 pm

The City of Madison Parks Division has identified a need for a park shelter building in this area of the city and has identified Country Grove Park as the location. The shelter building will include restrooms, a covered picnic area, and small parking lot. City Staff will present the project design at the meeting, and attendees will have the opportunity to offer input on the building location/orientation, siding color, parking, and path connections.

2023-07-18 Update from Alder Wehelie

Please join me for my first Lunch and Learn event on Thursday, July 27, 2023, at noon, where you will learn how to actively engage with the Common Council. Meet Council Office staff and learn about Council office operations, Council website resources, community engagement, tips on how to use Legistar, and the Government Resource Guide. Please register at www.cityofmadison.com/LunchandLearnD7 .

Lunch and Learn with Alder Wehelie

Lunch and Learn with Alder Wehelie flyer PDF version pdf 

2023-07-14 Neighborhood News & Updates

Parks Alive is continuing building strong neighborhoods!

Events are held in parks across the city and throughout the summer. Checkout all of the Parks Alive events and other summer activities listed on the Parks calendar.

Elver Park Monday, July 17, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Aldo Leopold Park Tuesday, July 18, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Hammersley Park Wednesday, July 19, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Owl Creek Park Thursday, July 20, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Allied Park Monday, July 24, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Worthington Park Tuesday, July 25, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Warner Park Wednesday, July 26, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Meadowood Park Wednesday, July 26, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Penn Park Thursday, July 27, 2023
5:00pm to 8:00pm

The Madison Arts Commission awarded $107,485 to 68 organizations and individuals for projects through their annual arts grants program.

The arts grants program provides support for projects that enrich the cultural landscape of the City, supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Grants are awarded to both individual artists for fellowships, or organizational applicants for project or arts educations programs. View the full list of recipients here: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=11926290&GUID=0B336F59-972D-4368-B050-AAE1CB28E2E7

Streets Division Updates:

  • 121 Olin Avenue Closed for Swim Meet: From July 27 to July 29, the Streets Division facility at 121 Olin Avenue will be completely closed to the public. This means there you will not be able to pick up mulch, use the drop-off site, or deliver brush for processing during these three days. Why? The All City Swim meet will be held next door at the Goodman Pool and it is expected to generate a significant amount of vehicle and pedestrian traffic. We’re closing our site to minimize try to make things a little safer for everyone visiting our neighbor for the swim meet.
  • Work Orders for Large Items: Don’t forget you need to submit work orders to have your large items picked up. Work orders have been required for two years now, so if you have some neighbors that have items that have been sitting out for a while, perhaps a friendly conversation to let them know that the City doesn’t just come around to collect things like anymore. They should call us if they need help setting up the order.
  • Food Scraps Collection Going Strong: We had one of the biggest days ever at our food scraps drop-off program last week by collecting just barely under 1,000 pounds in one day! You can help keep certain food scraps out of the landfill, too, by participating in our program or even composting at home.
  • Televisions, Computers, Laptops Are Free: As a reminder, for 2023 you can recycle these items and all other electronics at the Streets Division drop-off sites at no cost. You just have to be a City of Madison resident. We cannot accept electronics from businesses.
  • Take Batteries to a Drop-off Site: Batteries should never be placed into your recycling cart. Take them to a Streets Division drop-off site. Here’s more details on how to handle these items safely.

How to Help Your Trees Endure the Spongy Moth Outbreak

Every ten to fifteen years, there is a spike in the spongy moth population. And we are in another one of these boom years now. Due to a variety of environmental factors, this year is a bad one, too, with high numbers throughout all of Wisconsin. This is a problem because when these moths are in the caterpillar stage of their life cycle they defoliate trees. The University of Wisconsin Extension has a great season-by-season breakdown of what you can do to help control the population of this moth.
We recommend you focus on destroying egg masses on your property and trees when the time comes.

Additional resources and information about the spongy moth can be found on the City of Madison Forestry website, www.cityofmadison.com/Forestry.

Save the Date! Westside Alders Meet and Greet – Thursday, July 13, 2023, 6-8PM

Westside Alders are excited to announce the first Westside Alders Meet and Greet of the year, taking place Thursday, July 13, from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Meadowood Neighborhood Center in their Multi-Purpose Room, 5740 Raymond Rd., Madison, WI 53711. In an effort to speak directly to residents, Westside alders hope to harness the power of engagement to create positive change for the Westside of Madison. More details to come Monday, 07/10/23.

Westside District Alders Include:

District 1, Alder John W. Duncan

Contact Information

Phone: (608) 620-3395
Email: district1@cityofmadison.com

District 7, Alder Nasra Wehelie

Contact Information

Phone: (608) 571-4919
Email: district7@cityofmadison.com

District 9, Alder Nikki Conklin

Contact Information

Phone: (262) 693-2058
Email: district9@cityofmadison.com

District 10, Alder Yannette Figueroa Cole

Contact Information

Phone: (608) 318-3838
Email: district10@cityofmadison.com

District 19, Alder Kristen Slack

Contact Information

Phone: (608) 571-5749
Email: district19@cityofmadison.com

District 20, Alder Barbara Harrington-McKinney

Contact Information

Phone: (608) 228-8683
Email: district20@cityofmadison.com

For more information, please feel free to contact your Westside District Alder, or please reach out to the Council Office by phone at (608) 266-4071, or by email, at lbanuelos@cityofmadison.com.

Westside Alders Meet and Greet Event Flyer

Event Flyer

SMNA Bimonthly Meetings

As you may have noticed, our bimonthly meetings have been on a hiatus for quite a while now. In line with that, we are canceling our planned meeting for Monday July 10th, 2023.

We would like to restart those meetings and the events that the association had previously sponsored/coordinated (e.g. the July 4th cookout, the annual neighborhood garage sale, trick-or-treating at St. Mary’s).

In order to do so, we need additional people to participate in the board and help plan events/activities.

If you are interested in helping out, please reach out to the officers and we will get you plugged in.

2023-06-30 Neighborhood News & Updates

  Neighborhood with new development and trees.
Parks Alive, Air Quality, Comprehensive Plan Update and More!

Parks Alive next week in Hammersley Park July 5 and Owl Creek Park July 6! 
Parks Alive builds stronger neighborhoods and connects neighbors to their parks through fun, family-friendly activities, music and free food. Events are held in parks across the city and throughout the summer. Next week you can connect with your neighbors and engage with your community at Hammersley Park on July 5 from 5-8:00 p.m. and Owl Creek Park on July 6 from 5-8:00 p.m. The Owl Creek event will include a 6:30 p.m. showing of Spider Man: No Way Home! Checkout all of the Parks Alive events and other summer activities listed on the Parks calendar.

Comprehensive Plan Interim Update: City of Madison Opens Process for Future Land Use Amendments.  
The City of Madison is currently working on an Interim Update of its 2018 Comprehensive Plan, which is a broad-based plan that creates a vision for a future Madison. It guides decision-making and investment. It also guides private development through the Generalized Future Land Use (GFLU) map and Growth Priority Areas map.
The Interim Update is focused on the Generalized Future Land Use (GFLU) map. Because land use decisions must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan’s GFLU map, conducting an interim update will maintain the GFLU map as an expression of current land use policy. It is anticipated that the majority of revisions to the GFLU map will be changes recommended in City plans adopted or amended after the Comprehensive Plan was adopted in August 2018. In addition to these administrative updates, the public has an opportunity to propose amendments to the GFLU map through this online application (due August 6, 2023).
While updating and revising the GFLU map is the most significant part of the Interim Update, staff will also be updating some of the other maps within the plan document to reflect changes over the past five years, such as the Town of Madison attachment to the City, implementation of bus rapid transit, and other major projects. It is anticipated that the Goals, Strategies, and Actions as adopted within the original six Elements of the Comprehensive Plan will not be revised. However, there are some edits that are being considered in the Growth Framework chapter including updates to the map notes associated with the GFLU map, as well as additional guidance on emerging issues such as guidance for consideration of residential development in employment areas and mixed-use areas near the Beltline/interstate, and redevelopment of Special Institutional uses, like former places of worship. A full list of the proposed edits will be made available in August.
For more on the Interim Update, including an anticipated timeline, a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document, past meeting recordings, and to sign up to receive project updates via email, please visit the project website. A virtual public meeting regarding the Comprehensive Plan Interim Update will be held via Zoom on Thursday, July 14 at 6:00pm. Registration is required and can be completed on the project website.

Madison Public Library’s summer We Read Campaign returns.  Kids can visit the library, the Dream Bus or a Parks Alive event to get their own free copy of the We Read Card Deck, a new activity that families can do at the library or from home. Pick up a card deck full of action cards that offer lots of different ways kids can connect with reading, form relationships and share what they’ve read with others. Each deck contains prize cards that families can enjoy once they’ve completed the action cards. Click HERE for more information.

Air Quality Updates. Madison has had several air quality alerts recently. Check Public Health Madison & Dane County’s guidance, which includes visiting a website such as the EPA’s Air Now webpage.  Air Now allows you to type in your location and learn what the air quality level is, and instructions for what actions to take like staying indoors or choosing less strenuous outdoor activities. Air Now is a partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Park Service, NASA, Centers for Disease Control, and tribal, state, and local air quality agencies.

Streets Division Updates
Independence Day:  Make sure you check your collection schedule to see how the upcoming July 4 holiday affects your trash & recycling collection. Your calendar can be downloaded at www.cityofmadison.com/CollectionSchedule. Also – be mindful of the drop-off site schedule with the holiday. The drop-off sites will be closed on Tuesday, July 4. The Sycamore & South Point sites are also usually closed on Wednesdays, so that means they will also be closed on Wednesday, July 5, too.
Special Olin Avenue Closure in Late July: Due to the All City Swim meet, the Olin Avenue facility will be completely closed to the public on July 27, 28, and 29. That means no drop-off site, no mulch pickup, and no brush processing during those three days.
Recycle Better on July 12: Sustain Dane and the Streets Division are teaming up to offer one last Recycle Better class in 2023. The class starts on July 12. You can sign up and get more details here or by checking out Sustain Dane’s Recycle Better website, www.sustaindane.org/Better
Avoid Battery Fires: Lithium battery fires have been in the news lately, so be sure you are handling your batteries correctly so you do not cause a fire. The correct recycling steps can be found on the Streets Division’s website.
August Moving Days – Already?: Yeah, I know. It’s nearly July, so moving days will be around the corner. All the details you need are up on the Streets Division’s website, www.cityofmadison.com/MovingDays.

City of Madison Summer Newsletter

City of Madison Newsletter

Make Music Madison This Week!

Make Music Madison is a free, citywide day of music held annually on June 21st, the longest day of the year. Initiated in Madison in 2013, Madison’s festival is part of the larger Make Music Day, an international summer solstice music celebration occurring in 1,000+ cities across the globe. Each year, coffee shops, restaurants, retail shops, centers of worship, front porches, parks, and other locations across Madison fill with music for everyone to enjoy!

Summer Park Fun!

Goodman Pool is the place to be this summer. See the website for recreation swim, lap swim, and tot swim hours, as well as special events!   Splash parks are free to use and open daily 10am to 8pm through Monday, September 4. Movies in the park are now showing, see the list of movies near you.
Beach Water Quality

Our local beaches are part of the summer fun, but at times beach water quality can close outdoor beaches. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, Public Health tests water at City beaches. They test for E. coli bacteria and blue-green algae and their toxins to protect swimmers and other recreational water users. You can check beach water quality on the public health website. 
Mayor’s Message 

The City of Madison is taking a multifaceted approach to public safety and violence prevention in our community. Safety is a top priority for every City department, but Police, Fire, Public Health, and Traffic Engineering have been at the forefront of our work. We recently heard updates from leaders in these departments. They shared some important updates and progress:
– Shots fired continue to trend downwards – they are down 14.5% compared to 2022, year-to-date.
– Burglaries year-to-date are down 20% from the three-year average.
– Violence Outreach and Intervention Specialists are now conducting outreach and providing case management and peer support services to those in our community who may be engaging in or affected by violence.
– The Safer Bar program, a de-escalation and bystander intervention program for owners, managers, and staff, is now available for alcohol-serving establishments downtown. 
– 27 Safe Streets projects, covering 53 locations, have been approved in 2023 so far. 
– Fatality and serious injury crashes on Madison streets are down 29% from 2020 to 2022. 
– CARES teams have responded to over 2600 9-1-1 calls for service so far.
– CARES services will expand to the weekends, and a third team will come into service in October. 
You can view the whole briefing here

I want to thank these agencies for their hard work, not only for taking evidence-based approaches to public safety but also for being great partners to each other and with the many community-based organizations they’ve brought into this work along the way. And thank you to those in the community who participate through public meetings committee work, and community groups, which help make Madison a safer place. Building a culture of safety is something all of us can be a part of. 

Be well, 

Mayor Satya

Transit Network Redesign is Here! 

Metro has implemented its largest service change in more than 20 years – do you know how to navigate the new system? Plan new Metro trips by visiting mymetrobus.com or downloading Google Maps or the Transit app from your favorite app store.  
Brush Collection Season

Are you ready for brush collection season? You can check here to receive the dates when you should set out brush for collection. reminder that Brush is woody material you have cut (or have fallen) from trees, shrubs, or bushes while “Yard waste” is the plant material you rake or pull from your lawn or garden and is a separate collection that will resume in the fall.

Calling All Native Artists, Storytellers, and Community Leaders

The Teejop & Beyond: Celebrating Native Nations program will return to Madison Public Libraries this fall and they’re looking for presenters! Hosted in partnership with Ho Chunk Gaming Madison, this program welcomes a variety of Native artists, storytellers, and community leaders to lead events in our libraries throughout October, November and December. In the past, this series has included art workshops, youth storytimes, in-person or virtual presentations, outdoor guided activities, and more. The library welcomes any ideas that offer opportunities for participants to learn and connect with you as a presenter and with each other. What kinds of stories, art, and knowledge would you like to share with the communities of Teejop/Madison? This opportunity is open to Native persons living in Wisconsin, whether their homelands are in the Great Lakes region or elsewhere in the world. The deadline to apply is July 30 – learn more at madpl.org/teejopandbeyond.
Learn Like an Alder

The City of Madison wants to make it easier for elected officials to understand all of the work departments do so we’ve launched a video series where department heads help them do just that. Here you can find videos detailing agency budgets, giving overviews of services, and providing answers to frequently asked questions. Check it out for yourself and follow along as Madison creates the budget for 2024. 
Don’t Let Construction Keep You from Your Favorite Businesses

Madison is growing and with that comes a number of high-impact road construction projects underway in highly visible and traveled spaces in the community including Atwood Avenue, University Avenue, E. Washington Avenue & S. Blair Street, Pleasant View Road, W. Wilson Street, S. Broom Street, Stoughton Road north of East Washington Avenue and Hammersley Road. While we’re excited for the infrastructure improvements and development to come, we know that construction can be especially hard on business so we want to remind everyone to please come support your favorite businesses in the middle of these projects

Here are a number of ways to support local businesses in the middle of construction: Specifically look for businesses in construction areas to visit, buy and dine from. Follow the businesses on social media channels to stay in touch with daily deals or special promotions they may offer. Look for alternate ways and “open” signage to get into the business if regular entrance is blocked by construction. Buy goods online if they offer digitally. Share with others that the business is open to remind them to visit, too. Wear business swag to share brand awareness if they sell apparel. Schedule your next small coffee, meeting or get-together at the business. You can stay up to date on all current projects here
Keep Your Trees Leafy and Green

If a tree has been planted on the terrace in front of your home by Urban Forestry within the last five years, or if you had a tree planted on your private property in that same window of time, this is a reminder that young trees need watering, especially during dry weather like we have been experiencing. Urban Forestry has deployed crews to water young trees on the terrace, but with thousands of terrace trees around Madison, residents are encouraged to help. Learn more about how you can keep our canopy healthy. 
Troubling Overdose Numbers Remind Us to Stay Safe

Public Health Madison & Dane County issued a public health alert Wednesday afternoon following an increase in drug overdoses in the greater Madison community. It is unknown exactly what is driving this spike. It is possible that the make-up of street drugs in our community changed and could include a different mixture of opiates, fentanyl, or other synthetic drugs. When we talk about overdose trends and statistics, it’s important to remember that every number represents a life. It represents someone’s brother, friend, daughter, or neighbor. It represents someone who urgently needs to know this information. Learn more about how to keep yourself and loved ones safe. 
Libraries Have Free Covid Tests

Covid is still with us! Remember you can pick up a free Covid test kit along with a good book at Madison Public Libraries!

REMINDER: June 22 – Virtual Meeting About Proposed Funeral Home at Corner of McKee Rd and Golden Copper Ln

Ryan Funeral Homes proposes to develop the vacant property at the corner of McKee Road and Golden Copper Lane. The proposal is for a 9,000 square foot, one-story building with a two-story component that would be a funeral home with chapel, social room, and office space. The site provides 68 automobile parking spaces. The proposal would need approval from the Urban Design Commission, Plan Commission, and Common Council.

A virtual neighborhood meeting to hear more about this proposal is scheduled for Thursday, June 22, at 6:30pm. You can join the meeting using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingJune22RyanFuneralHome .

2023-06-16 Neighborhood News & Updates

Juneteenth Celebration this Sunday at Penn Park

Come celebrate Juneteenth on June 17 at Penn Park, 2101 Fisher Street from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  This is a time to honor and celebrate African/Black American emancipation, history, and accomplishments. Now a City holiday, Juneteenth Day is actually June 19, and City offices will be closed that day.

Parks Alive June 20 – Spider Man- No Way Home at Aldo Leopold Park

Beginning June 20 at Aldo Leopold Park, 2901 Traceway Drive, area neighborhoods, City Parks and City Neighborhood Resource Teams will kickoff Parks Alive! Come out to see Spider Man-No Way Home and enjoy free food, music, games and more from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Checkout all of the Parks Alive events and other summer activities listed on the Parks calendar.

Make Music Madison

Join us this Wednesday, June 21st for an extraordinary musical celebration as part of Make Music Madison. There will be over 600 live performances all throughout the city from talented local artists to emerging musicians. The diverse lineup promises to offer something for everyone’s musical taste!

Madison Public Library’s summer We Read campaign returns

Kids can visit the library, the Dream Bus or a Parks Alive event to get their own free copy of the We Read Card Deck, a new activity that families can do at the library or from home. Pick up a card deck full of action cards that offer lots of different ways kids can connect with reading, form relationships and share what they’ve read with others. Each deck contains prize cards that families can enjoy once they’ve completed the action cards. Click HERE for more information.


Streets Division Updates

  • In observance of the Juneteenth holiday, the Streets Division will be closed on Monday, June 19.  This means no trash & recycling collection and the drop-off sites will be closed as well.
  • The drop-off site at 1501 W. Badger Rd is permanently closed.  The resident services office remains open at Badger, but the drop-off site is gone.  For more details about which sites are open and their hours, go to www.cityofmadison.com/DropOffSites
  • Badger Road has been closed for over a year now, and we’re still seeing a lot of people show up looking to drop off items.  If you could please help spread the work to your friends and neighbors, it would be appreciated – especially by your friends and neighbors who you could save a unnecessary trip to the Badger Rd site.
  • Food scraps drop-off continues at the Eastside and South Madison farmers’ markets on Tuesday evenings.  We are over 2,000 pounds of food scraps collected for the year already!  Check out what you can bring to our sites and more details at www.cityofmadison.com/FoodScraps.
  • On June 24 there will be a free electronics recycling event at Warner Park from 8:00am to 1:00pm.  This is not a City event.  Since it is not an official City event, you do not need to be a City resident to participate. This free electronics recycling event is being put on by Universal Recycling Technologies, Samsung, and the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.  More details about the event can be found on URT’s website here or by calling 1-877-278-0799.
  • Curious about the City’s electronics recycling?  Go to www.cityofmadison.com/eCycle.  All electronics, including televisions & computers, are accepted without a charge in 2023 at the drop-off sites.  You just need to be a city resident, and the electronics have to come from your home.  We cannot accept material from businesses.