2024-08-05 Updates from Alder Wehelie



  • Bicycling Survey: UW students are looking to learn more about your experiences and opinions on cycling in Madison! This survey will help students understand the Madison cycling community and help direct policy and planning. You can take the survey by clicking here.
  • City of Madison Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes Updated Ahead of Primary: Madison’s 14 absentee ballot drop boxes are getting an updated look ahead of the Tuesday, August 13, 2024, primary election.

August Primary Election: Madison Early Voting

Early In-Person Absentee Voting

Starting today, City of Madison voters may now cast absentee ballots and register to vote at early voting locations. Check our In-Person Absentee Voting website for locations and hours. Voters must present an acceptable form of photo ID before receiving an absentee ballot.

The last day to vote absentee in person will be Sunday, August 11.  If you plan to vote on Election Day, please check MyVote.wi.gov to verify your polling place, as some locations have changed for this election.

The Dane County Voter ID Coalition is available to help voters apply for a free Wisconsin ID card, including arranging free transportation to the Division of Motor Vehicles. The Dane County Voter ID Coalition hotline is (608) 285-2141.

How to Request an Absentee Ballot

There are several ways registered voters can request absentee ballots. The easiest way is to sign up at MyVote.wi.gov.

Just look for the “Vote Absentee By Mail” button near the top of the page. On a mobile phone, use the menu button in the upper right corner of the website. There is a three-step process that starts with entering your name and date of birth, followed by requesting your ballot. If you don’t already have a photo ID on file with the City Clerk’s Office, you can upload a copy. Mobile phone users can take a picture and upload it to MyVote. Absentee ballot requests submitted this way go directly to the City Clerk’s Office, and you can track your ballot by returning to the website.

Voters can also request absentee ballots by mailing the City Clerk’s Office. Detailed absentee voting information is available here. These requests must be accompanied by a copy of your photo ID. If you already have a photo ID on file from previous absentee requests under your current registration, you will not need to provide it again.

The deadline for registered voters to request an absentee ballot be mailed to you is the Thursday before the election, August 8. However, voters should not wait, due to possible delays in mail delivery. If you get an absentee ballot mailed to you, you can still decide to vote at the polls on Election Day if you haven’t returned it.

Your absentee ballot must be received in the City Clerk’s Office or at your polling place by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, August 13. Again, please request and return ballots as soon as possible.

AT&T Fiber – Courtesy of Jeff Statz

Just placed a new AT&T Fiber online order 

I just noticed an AT&T tech’s van on Jeffers Dr, so I stalked him and struck up a conversation. He was testing individual houses for Fiber. He said that his testing was the final stage of their Fiber rollout. 

While I’d expect to receive a notification from the Fiber waitlist, since I registered after the first door hanger, I successfully placed an install order online. It’s set for Friday afternoon. 

After that, I called their customer service to get some context. They weren’t able to tell me why I wasn’t alerted about eligibility, but expected that I’d still receive one. 

You’ll want to know that their promos changed slightly, since the last door hanger I got. The rep said their pricing was updated, effective June 14th. More on that below. 

What my door hangers never stated is that they have a referral program. For referring a new Fiber or Wireless customer, you’ll receive a one-time $25 credit. The newly referred customer receives a one-time $75 credit. This is only applicable to orders placed online, for Fiber or Wireless postpaid accounts. 

I’m not one to leave money on the table, so we should all be using each other’s referral links. To get your initial $75 credit, here is mine: 


After you place the online order, you’ll have that $75 credit pending, so feel free to call if you have more questions (like I did). Anytime after your order is set up, login to your account portal and generate your unique referral link for future $25 referral credits. 

Fine print: phone and in-person installation orders don’t receive the credit. There is a max of 10 referral credits per account. 

Appointment slots were filling up quickly. I asked the customer service rep to list out all the Fiber pricing tiers, so I could notify our neighborhood. You likely haven’t received an alert, but are right on the edge of AT&T updating your address as eligible. 

First, know that paperless billing is required for any monthly discount. Second, the autopay discounts are $5/mo better when using a bank account, rather than credit card. 


1Gig: $90/mo regular price | $80/mo for bank acct autopay | $85/mo for credit card autopay 

500M: $75/mo regular | $65/mo bank account | $70/mo credit card 

300M: $65/mo regular | $55/mo bank account | $60/mo credit card 

—— Upper Tier —— 

5Gig: $255/mo regular | $245/mo bank account | $250/mo credit card 

2Gig: $155/mo regular | $145/mo bank account | $150/mo credit card 

• 25% Discount: Military, Teachers, Physicians, Nurses, First Responders, current or retired AT&T employees 

• 20% Discount: for AT&T Wireless postpaid account, when bundled. 

According to the customer service rep, Sofi, these discounts do stack. 

I asked if the new AT&T customer would only get the bundle discount if they signed up for Fiber at the same time as wireless. That is not a requirement, so I ordered Fiber and plan to look into the wireless bundle option later. 

If you order before the Fiber waitlist’s alert, I’d expect that you’re an early adopter. Once my installation is done, I’ll report back to this thread with any more info I can glean. 

To my fellow nerd neighbors, the technician said that they still use the BGW320-505 gateway device.

Note from Jeff: our neighbors can reference the SMNA Facebook Group for more details. It’s a private group, so make sure that you’re in our neighborhood before requesting an invite.

I’ve been keeping it updated with my AT&T Fiber experience, so we turned it into a megathread for others to post their comments. We’d love to see your perspective.

June 2024 PHMDC Newsletter


June 2024 Here’s an overview of some of the things we’ve been working on at Public Health Madison & Dane County since our last newsletter. 

Hard Work Successfully Limits Spread of Measles in Our Community
When measles outbreaks in neighboring states started popping up earlier this spring, we began proactively preparing for potential cases here in Dane County. When we had a confirmed case in late April we sprang into action, conducting extensive contract tracing and collaborating with other local health departments to make sure that people who were exposed were immune, vaccinated, or quarantined. 
Because measles is so uncommon and infectious—simply being in the same room with someone who has measles is enough to become infected if you’re not vaccinated—just one case constitutes an outbreak. An outbreak is officially over when it has been 42 days with no cases—that’s 2 incubation periods. This is an example of what we train and plan for, and we’re happy to say that our outbreak is now officially over, with no spread from our original case of measles. Want to do what you can to support future events like this? Know where your vaccination records are!

Helping You Have a Safe Summer 
Wisconsinites wait for what seems like an eternity for the arrival of summer, so we certainly don’t want to spend those weeks being sick. We’ve released a series of summer safety blog posts with tips to keep you healthy. Protect yourself from illnesses caused by tick bites and learn where to get one of our popular tick kits. Prevent mosquito bites and learn how to get rid of standing water where mosquitoes lay eggs to avoid mosquito-spread illnesses. Learn how to keep food at the proper temperatures to prevent food poisoning from ruining your picnic or cookout. Know before you go if the water is ok for swimming at your local beach. You can also check out our news release about new techniques we’re using to report beach water quality results faster and more frequently, and to pre-emptively close beaches prone to high bacteria in the water after heavy rainfalls. While you’re there you can sign up to get daily beach closure updates!
Curious to know how common illnesses caused by ticks, mosquitoes, and food are in our area? Check out our Communicable Illness Data Dashboard!
You can stay up to date on summer safety and more topics by subscribing to get our blogs by email.

New Data Reports Released
We’ve just released two new data reports.
Our latest data report on Dane County Drug Overdose Death Trends provides valuable insights into current overdose death trends, highlights areas of concern, and outlines our next steps in combatting this crisis. 
Our other new report unveils the experiences of Hmong American youth in Dane County, using disaggregated data from the Dane County Youth Assessment. This report underscores how important data disaggregation is for health equity; when people are invisible in the data, they become invisible in policymaking and funding decisions.
You can read these data reports and more on our Data Reports webpage.

Grant Funds Distributed for Three Requests for Proposals
We’re excited to share that we’ve recently awarded money from three different requests for proposals! A total of $70,000 was awarded to five organizations interested in helping their community stay prepared for emergencies. A total of $100,000 was awarded to a consulting firm to examine the feasibility of opening a Dane County overdose prevention center. A total of $30,000 was awarded to 4 organizations to do community outreach about PFAS. You can visit our Funding Opportunities webpage to see the list of awardees and sign up for email notifications about future funding opportunities. 

Stay Connected! We’re so happy to have you on our list to get The Pulse! Click the blue bar below to see what other communications you want to get from us, including funding and grant opportunities.
To stay up to date on our work throughout the year, follow us on social media and subscribe to our news releases, newsletters, and blog.
Sign Up For Public Health News Releases, Newsletters, and Blog

Country Grove Park -Bike Optimized Singletrack Project

Madison Parks is beginning the planning and design process for bike optimized singletrack in Country Grove Park.   This park underwent a master planning process in 2023 which identified recreational biking as a use for the park.  

Parks applied for and was awarded grant funding by Dane Co to cost share in the construction of this singletrack trail.   Parks hope to complete planning, design, and bidding in 2024 with construction in 2025. A survey was created and is available on the project website and can be found here if you would like to send along.


Below is the public website with additional information about the park:


Lunch and Learn on Thursday, June 20 – Elections and Voting

Alder Wehelie is excited to announce that she is bringing back the monthly virtual Lunch and Learns! Please join her on Thursday, June 20, as she hosts City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl and Municipal Clerk 1 Camille O’Connell, who will present on elections and voting.

This Lunch and Learn will serve as an effective way to inform and engage residents about city services over the lunch hour. Attendees will also be able to participate in a question-and-answer session with the speakers following the presentation.

To participate in the virtual Lunch and Learn on Thursday, June 20, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm, please register in advance at the following link: www.cityofmadison.com/lunchandlearnd7.

Depending on the number of questions, there may be limited time for a Q&A session at the end of the presentation. The goal is to hear from everyone at least once if they wish. To hear from as many as time allows, we request that attendees limit their questions to one minute.

Attendees can also submit their questions in advance to Lorissa Banuelos, Community Engagement Strategist, by email at lbanuelos@cityofmadison.com. Please include the “Lunch and Learn question” in the subject line.

For more information, contact Alder Nasra Wehelie by email at district7@cityofmadison.com or by phone at (608) 571-4919.

You can also contact the Office of the Common Council by email at Council@cityofmadison.com or by phone at (608) 266-4071. 


Civilian Response to Active Shooter Event (CRASE)

Free event.

Thursday, May 30, 2024, 6 pm – 9 pm

Madison Police Department Training Center: 5702 Femrite Dr

Register at: https://www.cityofmadison.com/police/safety/commTrainings/crase.cfm

Police respond as fast as they can to an active shooters incident. But numbers tell the story:

  • Median police response time to an active shooter: 3 minutes
  • Percentage of active shooter calls that are over before police even arrive: 66%
  • Majority of active shooters strike between 8am-4pm
  • 61 active shooter incidents took place in the US in 2021, a 52.5% increase from 2020

YOU can make the difference in your safety and the safety of others in that first three (3) minutes. Learn the principles of what to do if an active shooter incident happens and increase your chance of survival by knowing:


Also referred to as “Run, Hide, Fight”.

Officers will present active shooter case studies that highlight strategies victims used and the ultimate outcomes of their choices. These will also help participants understand Avoid, Deny, Defend in deeper detail.

2024-05-21 City Recycling Updates

Food Scraps Returns to South Madison Farmers’ Market Today, Recycling Updates, and More!

Hello, Madison Recyclers

Here is a roundup of exciting recycling related updates:

Food Scraps Recycling Returns TODAY to South Madison Farmers’ Market!

Our second farmers’ market food scraps drop off gets underway this afternoon (May 21) at the South Side Farmers’ Market.  It is located right at the corner of South Park Street and West Wingra Drive.  It’s actual address is 1602 South Park Street.

This site is open from 2:00pm to 6:00pm on Tuesday evenings, just like last year.

There is plenty of free parking available, so if you have some acceptable scraps ready for composting we would love to see you on the south side.  And you can stop by the farmer’s booth who accepts the scraps for composting and say hello to him as well.

Details are available at www.cityofmadison.com/FoodScraps.

The market location at the Eastside Farmer’s Market has collected over 1,000 pounds of food scraps already – and it took five weeks last year to reach this number, and this year we did it in three.  Participation numbers have been higher, too.  We’re off to our best year yet for sure.

And, yes, we do have a third site coming this year.  Details on this third site are pending, so stay tuned.

Recycling Mistakes Website Refresh…And Cart Inspections?

The common recycling mistakes website was recently revamped.  We don’t have a brand new website quite yet (we’re working on it) but hopefully you will find this recycling mistakes page and the extra details here a bit more enlightening.

And besides finding that charming frowny face image, you will see a reference to some curbside recycling cart checks coming soon.

Yes, Streets will have some of our staff working ahead of the recycling truck collectors looking for problem materials in recycling carts.

Now, recycling operators have been checking for problems in carts for years and that won’t change.  However, within the next couple weeks, you might see Streets Division lifting the lid on recycling carts, peeking inside, and then walking to the next cart and doing the same.  So it might look a little different than what you have seen in the past even though it’s an old practice. 

We’re looking for the five most common problems we’ve noticed in recycling carts that should not be in there.  They’re listed on the mistakes page in more detail, but I’ll list them for you here:

  • Bad bags
    • Most recyclables should not be bagged. If you absolutely must bag your recyclables, then the only acceptable option is a clear plastic bag.  If you are using black bags or gray bags, these bags are being discarded as trash at the sorting facility.
  • Clothes & other textiles
    • Never put clothes, bedding, curtains, or other material like this into the recycling cart.
  • Styrofoam
    • Never put styrofoam in the recycling cart.
  • Tanglers
    • Loose plastic bags, plastic film, plastic wrap, hoses, ropes, and similar tangly items do not belong in the recycling cart.
  • Wood / lumber
    • Never place wood or lumber into the recycling cart.

Crews will also be on the look out for other problematic items that obviously do not belong in the recycling cart that they stumble across.

When our operators find one of these problem items in a recycling the cart, our crew member will leave behind card on the cart lid informing the resident of the mistake.

If the cart at your home is carded, you just have to remove the problem items and give the Streets Division a call and we will come back as soon as we can to empty the corrected recycling cart.  Easy peasy.  We’re trying to make this a learning opportunity more than anything else.

Ultimately, we just want this contamination out of the recycling where it does not belong.


Recycle Better Course Returns in July!

Speaking of recycling better, back on Friday, May 17 Sustain Dane in partnership with the City of Madison will put this year’s first Recycle Better course.  What?  You missed it?  Hey, no problem!

There is another opportunity coming in July where it will be held online in the evening where it may be more convenient for your work schedule so you can become a Certified Recycling Steward and help teach your communities how to recycle better.

Details and sign up about the course can be found on the Sustain Dane website.

Free Recycling Resources

The City’s recycling information has always been free.

If you want the latest copy of the Recyclopedia, head over to your public library location to pick one up or contact the Streets Division to have one mailed to you.

We have fridge magnets we can send you.  We also have 8” x 11” stickers that can go onto the lid of the recycling cart if your cart doesn’t already have instructions about recycling already placed there.


2025 Recyclopedia? Website Feedback?

What?! 2025 already!! Believe me, I know.  But, I do have to think ahead.  It takes a long time to pull together the Recyclopedia booklet after all.

In planning ahead, are there topics or items, or other things you would like to see in the Recyclopedia that haven’t been covered before that you’ve been needing?

There is a website redesign for Streets underway, too. At the end of it, many of our resources should be easier to find, and the days of a very thick Recyclopedia may be behind us. 

If you have ideas about what you’d like to see in a 2025 Recyclopedia, or things you wish were just a little bit easier on the website, let me know.

And, yes, already know about how much of a pain it is to enter your address into the forms we have for your collection schedules. That is the first thing we want to fix, too. Fingers crossed we’re able to address that issue.

In conclusion…

There’s always plenty going on here at Streets, so there will be plenty more updates yet to come. And if you have any questions, please let us know.  Thank you all for your time and attention.

2024-05-16 Westside Community Connections: 2025 Budget Outlook

Please join us Thursday, May 16th for this month’s Westside Community Connections! This event will feature David Schmiedicke, Director of Finance who will give an overview on the general fund structural deficit, and the general parameters of the options we have available to us to address it. He will also provide information on where our City tax dollars go/value for our tax dollars, and cost of services. There will also be small group discussions and a notecard Q&A session. This event will be held in person at Vel Phillips Memorial High School in the Wisconsin Center room.

Registration is not required but strongly encouraged. Those who register will receive updates and information leading up to the event. Register HERE!

Westside Community Connections Flyer_English
Conexiones Comunitarias del Lado Oeste Volantes _Español

The Office of the Common Council is holding multiple budget engagement events in Madison that will give residents an opportunity to learn more about the state of the budget as well as share with their alders what is important to them. These discussions will be deliberative and facilitated. If you cannot join us on Thursday, May 16, you have three more opportunities to participate. See list of events below:

Westside Budget Engagement Event (Westside Community Connections):
Thursday, May 16, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (in person)
Vel Phillips Memorial High School, 201 S Gammon Rd, Madison, WI

Southside/Near Westside Budget Engagement Event:
Wednesday, May 29, 5:30 p.m. (in person)
Goodman South Library, 2222 S Park St, Madison, WI, Meeting rm 115

Central (Downtown/Campus/Isthmus) Budget Engagement Event:
Thursday, May 30, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (hybrid)
Madison Municipal Building, 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Madison, WI, Conf Rm MMB 215

Northside Budget Engagement Event:
Wednesday, June 5, 6 p.m. (in person)
Black Hawk Middle School, 1402 Wyoming Way, Madison, WI

All events are listed on the Common Council webpage. For more information visit: www.cityofmadison.com/council or contact the Office of the Common Council by email at council@cityofmadison.com or by phone at (608) 266-4071. To learn more about the 2025 City budget outlook, please visit www.cityofmadison.com/finance/budget/2025/outlook.