2021 Message from the SMNA Executive Committee

Hello to all members (and future members) of Stone Meadows Neighborhood Association! We wish you a happy and healthy 2021.

SMNA is looking to relaunch our neighborhood service in a safe and effective way for 2021 and beyond.

As an association, we are going through a number of changes. We are looking for more officers to serve on our SMNA Executive Board since we have had multiple recent retirements that have left us shorter than our regular numbers. Your neighborhood would appreciate any time that you can help out, and we would benefit from any and all new input as to how SMNA can help our neighborhood.

Our meeting procedures are also looking to change, as we are looking to embrace the new tools and will look to have our regular bi-monthly meetings on a virtual basis. We are looking to make this available to all who wish to attend, so we will be looking for any interested participants to go to SMNA.org and get info on contacting us for the next meeting on March 8th at 7pm.

As far as our SMNA yearly activities, we are still on hold due to COVID-19 considerations; but we are hopefully looking to the future to get back to our gatherings and so we are still talking and planning. We would appreciate help and input from new people to plan and execute these events. The most pressing need is a planner for our 4th of July Parade and Picnic. Please consider your time to help us out if you can. Go to SMNA.org to contact us if you are looking to help us out.

Membership in SMNA is voluntary, however the $20 per household membership dues is our only source of income as an association. In the past, we have canvassed the neighborhood via personal connections and mailings to gain memberships. However with personal contact very limited and with cost of mailings vs the resulting membership numbers in the past years, we are going to rely on our on-line membership sign-up and Membership Dues Payment. The signup form and information is available on the SMNA.org website.

Thank you for your interest in Stone Meadows Neighborhood Association.

SMNA Bimonthly Meetings Going Virtual!

With the pandemic continuing to rage, the SMNA board is considering taking our bimonthly meetings virtual. We are exploring the idea of having our meetings via Zoom. The tentative date of the next meeting would be Monday March 8th. If you are interested in joining (either the March meeting, or the annual meeting in May), please email secretary@smna.org.

On a related note, we are looking for topics for the annual meeting in May (Monday May 10th). If you have ideas for topics, or guest speakers that you’d like to see at the meeting, please email secretary@smna.org.

District 7 Alder Candidate: Rahma Mohamed

District 7 Alder Donna Moreland resigned from the Madison Common Council effective September 30, 2020.

Attached to this post is an introduction to Rahma Mohamed, who is one of the candidates to replace Donna as Alder.

Applications will be reviewed by the Common Council Executive Committee (CCEC), on Friday, October 30, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. and will make a recommendation to the Common Council. 

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 the Common Council will appoint the Interim District 7 Alder who will serve until April 20, 2021.

7th Aldermanic District Vacancy

Resumes To Be Accepted to Fill 7th Aldermanic District Vacancy
Must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Link to Press Release

District 7 Alder Donna Moreland notified Council Leadership of her resignation from the Madison Common Council effective September 30, 2020.

The Common Council President oversees the application process to fill the vacancy. Applications will be reviewed by the Common Council Executive Committee (CCEC), on Friday, October 30, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. and will make a recommendation to the Common Council.  On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 the Common Council will appoint the Interim District 7 Alder who will serve until April 20, 2021.

Applications should be emailed to ccec@cityofmadison.com.

Applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 2020.

Applications should include:

•Home telephone number
•Work telephone number
•E-mail address
•A biographical resume should include education, work, neighborhood, and civic experience
•A statement on why the applicant wishes to serve
•A statement of what the applicant wants to accomplish
• Whether the applicant plans to run for alderperson in the spring 2021 election
The following is the timeline:

Wednesday, October 21 at 4:30 pm:
Applications to fill the vacancy due 

Friday, October 30 at 4:30 pm:
Special CCEC Meeting for applicant interviews and recommendation of selected candidate to Council

Tuesday, November 17 at 6:30 pm:
Common Council Meeting – Appointment of District 7 Alder


Council President Sheri Carter, (608) 698-6027, district14@cityofmadison.com
Kwasi Obeng, Council Chief of Staff, (608) 245-5793, kobeng@cityofmadison.com

October 21: Westside Community Conversation

Alder Zachary Henak and Westside Alders Barbara Harrington-McKinney, Paul Skidmore, and Christian Albouras invite you to a Westside Community Conversation to be held via Zoom on Wednesday, October 21, at 6:30 p.m. Please see the flyer below for the agenda and special guests. Feel free to share with your neighborhoods.

Register for the meeting at https://madisonwi.link/wcc2virtual 

Upon registering, you will receive an email with information on how to join the meeting on October 21. Please note that registration is limited to 500 participants. The meeting will be recorded. 

You are also able to view the two previous Westside Community Conversations:

Virtual Day Trips – Milwaukee Food Tours: Fudge Around the World

Are are you looking for something fun and safe to do with your friends and family this fall? Look no further! MSCR now offers virtual adventures! On Thursday evening, November 5, “travel” with Milwaukee Food Tours on a virtual Fudge Around the World adventure. A treat box containing 1/4 lb samples of fudge including flavors like Cannoli, Apple Strudel, and Churro will be sent to your door before the Zoom tour begins. Enjoy the sweets from your own living room – you can even stay in your pajamas! Deadline to register is 10/28. For more information and to register visit www.mscr.org.Course #27995. Fee: $45.

National Voter Education Week, October 5-9

Each day this week are steps to help voters bridge the gap of registering to voting. 

Monday – Be #VoteReady
Verify your voter registration at https://MyVote.wi.gov . If you have moved since you last registered, even if it is to a different unit in the same building, you will need to update your voter registration.  Registering early gives you more options should you need to quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19 as Election Day approaches.

If you have a Wisconsin driver license or Wisconsin ID and your address is updated with the DMV , you may register online at https://MyVote.wi.gov .  Otherwise, you may register at the following locations with proof of address:

  • City Clerk’s Office — weekdays 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Memorial Union — 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
  • Union South — 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
  • Library Dream Bus
  • Goodman South Madison Library, Lakeview Library, or Meadowridge Library — 12 – 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
  • Hawthorne Library, Monroe Street Library, or Pinney Library — 12 – 3 p.m. Tuesday or Thursday

Tuesday – Be #MailReady
If you would like to receive your absentee ballot via mail, submit your request now via https://MyVote.wi.gov , an e-mail message to voting@cityofmadison.com, or a written request mailed to the City Clerk’s Office.  If the Clerk’s Office doesn’t already have a copy of your voter ID on file, you will need to attach a photo or scan of your ID.

If you have already requested an absentee ballot, track the status of your absentee by visiting https://MyVote.wi.gov  and selecting “Track My Ballot” at the top of the screen.

Wednesday – Be #VotePlanReady
Review your options and create your Safe Voting Plan.  The Clerk’s Office has created a checklist PDF  you can use to determine which options work best for you.

Thursday – Be #BallotReady
Find out which offices are on your ballot, and research the candidates.  To see your sample ballot, visit https://MyVote.wi.gov  and select “What’s On My Ballot” at the top of the screen.

Friday –  Level Up Your Voting Engagement #Weready2020
Search for the Madison Votes podcast series on Apple Podcasts  or Google podcasts  to learn more about how your ballot will be counted, voting accessibility, COVID-19 safety precautions at the polls, and election security.

Questions? Contact City of Madison City Clerk’s Office at 608-266-4601 or clerk@cityofmadison.com.

Computer & Electronic Round-Up, Starting October 1

Starting October 1st and running through the fall season, Cascade Asset Management will once again accept personal electronics for recycling and secure data destruction. As part of the E-Cycle Wisconsin program, Cascade will accept drop-offs of electronics from individuals at its facility at 6701 Manufacturers Drive on the northeast side of Madison. At just $10 for CRT TVs and monitors, $5.00 for flat screen TVs, and no charge for other electronics, this is one of the most affordable and easiest recycling options in town. See attached press release for more details.

Drop off hours: Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  (starting October 1st)

 Collection Event Day: Saturday, October 10th, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

 Location: Cascade Asset Management, 6701 Manufacturers Drive, Madison, WI 53704

 Cost: $10 for CRT monitors and TVs; $5 for flat screen TVs (LED/LCD/plasma); other electronics – free. Purchase vouchers online at www.cascade-assets.com or pay by credit card, Apple Pay, or cash on site.

Questions?  Contact • Email: recycle@cascade-assets.com • Call: 608-222-480.

Leaf Collection Schedule

New Leaf Collection Schedule Now Available– Collection Begins October 11, 2020


For the fall of 2020, all neighborhoods of Madison have  assigned days when they should set leaves and yard waste out for curbside collection.  The leaves and yard waste collection schedule is now available at www.cityofmadison.com/yardwaste. Enter your address into the form provided to learn the dates when you should set out leaves and yard waste for pickup. Residents without internet access can contact the Streets Division office that services their home to receive the set-out dates for their home. See attached press release or Streets website for more information.

Questions?  Contact Streets East, 608-246-4532, Streets West, 608-266-4681, or Bryan Johnson, 608-267-2626