West District Police – Property Crime Hot Spot

From Madison West District‘s Police Captain:

Good morning Neighborhood Associations: Stone Meadows, Maple Prairie, Westhaven Trails, Country Grove, Glacier Ridge

I am notifying you of a new property crime micro time hotspot that has developed around the area of Maple Grove Drive and McKee Rd in Aldermanic District #7. Please remind your residents to remain vigilant and do everything possible to keep homes and vehicles secured and belongings out of view in locked cars.

As you may know, West PD is focusing on property crime for this summer’s strategic plan and is focusing on eight historical property crime hotspots. When new and highly active clusters are identified, my plan is to share this information with neighborhood associations. The police sectors around this intersection are accounting for 25-30% of the district’s property crime incidents over the last two weeks.

I am dispatching additional resources into these areas during the overnight hours and residents can expect additional check-ins when we find open garage doors. See the attachment for more information on this micro time hotspot.

Contact me with any questions.

Tim P

Captain Timothy Patton

Neighborhood News and Updates: May 14, 2021

Libraries to Open May 24th  Expanded services will include in-person library browsing, self-pickup holds and checkout, and access to basic desk services in person:  https://www.madisonpubliclibrary.org/

$50k Award to Greater Madison Music City Team – The Greater Madison Music City (GMMC) Team has received $50,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts for efforts to create an equitable music economy in the region. There is still time for individuals from our music ecosystem to be part of the GMMC project that aims to create and implement a plan to increase music-related jobs, promote tourism, and improve community relations for people of color.

New Large Item Collection System Coming In June – In June 2021, there will be a new large item collection system. Rather than placing large items out to the curb every other week, residents will have to place a work order with the Streets Division. For more information visit: https://www.cityofmadison.com/streets/refuse/WorkOrderFAQ.cfm

Citywide News Updates –  Reminder to visit https://www.cityofmadison.com/news to view citywide news updates and to sign up to receive them by email.

Announcements from City of Madison

Spring Election April 6th

The Spring Election is Tuesday April 6th. Sample ballots are available at My Vote WI:  https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/.  In-Person Absentee Voting takes place March 23 – April 3. For additional information, visit: Elections and Voting: https://www.cityofmadison.com/clerk/elections-voting

Metro Transit Network Redesign

The network redesign process will reconfigure all of Madison’s bus routes to make them run faster, more frequently, and overall make them easier to use. The redesign will also incorporate bus routes into the future Bus Rapid Transit System that is expected to be implemented in 2024. Please fill out the Transit Choices Survey to help us better understand your goals and priorities for the future redesigned transit network. For additional information, visit mymetrobus.com/redesign, or send questions and comments to MetroRedesign@cityofmadison.com.

Updates re: Legistar 63902 – Housing Ordinance Amendments

Here’s an update from the city, regarding the Zoning Ordinance amendments related to allowing greater residential densities and adjusting conditional use thresholds, Legistar #63902.

In advance of next Thursday’s Housing Strategy Committee meeting, where these proposed changes will be considered for their recommendation, they’ve posted the Staff Report/Memo to Legistar. The hope is that this can provide a good overview, as well as additional resources for those who may be interested in exploring these proposed changes in more detail.

Importantly, in order to allow more time to better understand the changes, the revised schedule for formal review of the amendments is as follows:

  • 2/25      Housing Strategy Committee
  • 3/22      Plan Commission
  • 3/30      Common Council

Meanwhile, staff will offer a Zoom-based Community Q & A Session on Monday, March 1, from 5:30-7:30. At the session, they’ll play a video presentation to provide an overview, and Zoning Administrator Matt Tucker and Planning Division Director Heather Stouder will be available for questions. Folks do need to register in advance to attend the session at this link:

Housing Ordinance Changes – Overview and Community Q & A

Snow Plowing Updates


Tonight’s snow will disrupt your commutes this evening and Friday. All roads will be snow-covered. Streets Division trucks will be out, but it is far too cold to apply salt.

Once the snow begins to fall, which is expected to begin sometime around dinner time tonight, Streets Division plow trucks will be dispatched to service the main thoroughfares that make up the salt route network of streets. Crews will be working throughout the night.

However, these trucks will not be applying salt. When temperatures get below 20 degrees, salt at the rate it is spread by the Streets Division is no longer effective. Instead of applying salt, crews will switch to applying sand where needed. Sand provides traction, but it does not melt snow and ice.

This means the main thoroughfares will be snow-covered as will residential streets. Roads will be slippery, especially after traffic compacts the snow down. Plows cannot peel up compacted snow from the road surface. Sand can help with traction over these areas, but conditions will be slick.

You must be cautious on the roads and make good choices. Allow for plenty of extra travel time to arrive at your destinations safely. Anticipate your stops and turns so you do not slide. Be slow. Be alert. Be patient.

As these arctic temperatures are expected to linger into next week, snowy and slippery roads will persist until temperatures rebound.

Streets Division staff will continue to monitor the roads and the weather. Additional updates will be provided as conditions change

District 7 Alder Candidate: Rahma Mohamed

District 7 Alder Donna Moreland resigned from the Madison Common Council effective September 30, 2020.

Attached to this post is an introduction to Rahma Mohamed, who is one of the candidates to replace Donna as Alder.

Applications will be reviewed by the Common Council Executive Committee (CCEC), on Friday, October 30, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. and will make a recommendation to the Common Council. 

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 the Common Council will appoint the Interim District 7 Alder who will serve until April 20, 2021.

7th Aldermanic District Vacancy

Resumes To Be Accepted to Fill 7th Aldermanic District Vacancy
Must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Link to Press Release

District 7 Alder Donna Moreland notified Council Leadership of her resignation from the Madison Common Council effective September 30, 2020.

The Common Council President oversees the application process to fill the vacancy. Applications will be reviewed by the Common Council Executive Committee (CCEC), on Friday, October 30, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. and will make a recommendation to the Common Council.  On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 the Common Council will appoint the Interim District 7 Alder who will serve until April 20, 2021.

Applications should be emailed to ccec@cityofmadison.com.

Applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 2020.

Applications should include:

•Home telephone number
•Work telephone number
•E-mail address
•A biographical resume should include education, work, neighborhood, and civic experience
•A statement on why the applicant wishes to serve
•A statement of what the applicant wants to accomplish
• Whether the applicant plans to run for alderperson in the spring 2021 election
The following is the timeline:

Wednesday, October 21 at 4:30 pm:
Applications to fill the vacancy due 

Friday, October 30 at 4:30 pm:
Special CCEC Meeting for applicant interviews and recommendation of selected candidate to Council

Tuesday, November 17 at 6:30 pm:
Common Council Meeting – Appointment of District 7 Alder


Council President Sheri Carter, (608) 698-6027, district14@cityofmadison.com
Kwasi Obeng, Council Chief of Staff, (608) 245-5793, kobeng@cityofmadison.com