Updates from Recycling Coordinator Bryan Johnson

Badger Rd Drop-off Site Shutting Down Tomorrow!

The drop-off site at 1501 W. Badger Rd will be shutting down on Friday, March 25, 2022.  The site will be closed until at least the spring of 2023 due to a construction project.

Badger Rd Office Will Remain Open

You will still be able to use the 1501 W Badger Rd office for sticker sales, and general customer service inquiries.

It’s only the drop-off site services at 1501 W. Badger that are leaving this location.

Sycamore Ave Location Not Affected

The drop-off site at 4602 Sycamore Ave. will not be affected by any of the shuffling of the west side drop-off site services.  The office at Sycamore will also remain unchanged.

South Point Rd Drop-off Opens Tuesday, March 29

The far west side Streets Division site at 402 South Point Rd will replace the 1501 W Badger Road drop-off site starting Tuesday, March 29.

South Point will be open the following hours during this week of March 28:

  • Monday, March 28: Closed
  • Tuesday, March 29: 7:30am to 2:30pm
  • Wednesday, March 30: Closed
  • Thursday, March 31: 7:30am to 2:30pm
  • Friday, April 1: 7:30am to 2:30pm
  • Saturday, April 2: Closed
  • Sunday, April 3: Closed

You will not be able to purchase fee stickers at South Point Rd.  If you need to take an item there that requires a fee, you will need to plan ahead.

The simplest way to do it is to use the large item work order system to make the payment, and then have a fee sticker mailed to your home.  The work order website is www.cityofmadison.com/LargeItemWorkOrder.

Expanded Summer Drop-off Site Hours Start April 4

Expanded spring hours begin on Monday, April 4.

This means our 402 South Point Rd and the east side location at 4602 Sycamore Ave drop-off sites will be open the following hours:

  • Monday: 7:30am to 2:45pm
  • Tuesday: 7:30am to 7:00pm
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 7:30am to 7:00pm
  • Friday: 7:30am to 2:45pm
  • Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm
  • Sunday: Closed

Special Temporary Central Drop-off Site Opens April 4

While Badger Rd is closed, there will be a special weekends and evenings drop-off site located at 121 E. Olin Ave.

This site will open on April 4, 2022 and its hours will be the following:

  • Monday: 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Tuesday: 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Wednesday: 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Thursday: 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Friday: CLOSED
  • Saturday: 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Sunday: 3:00pm to 7:00pm

You will not be able to purchase fee stickers at Olin Avenue.  If you need to take an item there that requires a fee, you will need to plan ahead.

The simplest way to do it is to use the large item work order system to make the payment, and then have a fee sticker mailed to your home.  The work order website is www.cityofmadison.com/LargeItemWorkOrder.

Need a Cheat Sheet for all these Drop-off Changes?

Check this link.  If you get your Municipal Services bill (or water bill as most folks call it) in the mail, you probably saw this PDF included along with that mailing.  It’s a helpful and colorful guide to the Streets Division drop-off sites this year.

Still Have Time to Sign Up to be a Master Recycler

The 2022 Master Recycler course from Sustain Dane (and in partnership with the City of Madison) begins on April 7.  If you are interested or know someone who would, head over to Sustain Dane’s website to sign up today. The website is www.sustaindane.org/Better.  Just scroll to the bottom to sign up.

Yard Waste & Brush Collection Dates Are Now Live

Yeah, it’s snowing as I write this update, but it is very close to spring yard clean-up time.  You’ve probably seen the piles of yard waste and brush at the curb from your neighbors who got a little bit of an early jump on this.

To learn when you should be setting out your yard waste for pickup, go to www.cityofmadison.com/YardWaste and enter your address into the form.  Yard waste is leaves, weeds, grass clippings, and so on that you have raked or pulled from your lawns or gardens.  Remember, you only get two collections in the spring.

To learn when you should be setting out your brush for pickup, go to www.cityofmadison.com/BrushCollection, and enter your address into the form.  Brush is woody material you have cut from a tree, shrub, or bush.  You will get five brush collections this year.  The website will not display all five of your collection opportunities at this time, but the missing dates will be up soon.

Trash & Recycling Date Changes?

Did you know that some folks may have their trash and recycling dates changed this year with the Town of Madison attachment?  It’s true.

Starting on August 1, 2022 there will be some neighborhoods that have their trash & recycling day switched.

For the collection schedule that will be good from now until the end of July, go to www.cityofmadison.com/CollectionSchedule.   

As we get a little closer to the switch, you will be able to download the calendar that will show you the collection dates for August through December and all of 2023.

We will do our best to everyone when the new information is available, so stay tuned.

Don’t Forget About Large Item Work Orders

One last thing – large item pickup requires a work order for crews to collect it.  We are no longer burning fuel and spending time by roving the city looking for items to pick-up.

You can fill out the work order form to get on the pickup schedule at www.cityofmadison.com/LargeItemWorkOrder.

Anything else?

Oh, there’s always something happening at the Streets Division, but nothing else to share in this email except…

If you haven’t done so, I recommend signing up to receive email messages from your elected officials and to receive press releases from the City of Madison.  And I also recommend encouraging your friends and neighbors to do the same.

With so much happening around the world, and so many voices and outlets competing for your attention, it is just plain hard to keep track of it all. Sometimes useful but not flashy local information gets drowned out, so important changes may get lost or feel like surprises.

By signing up to get this information directly from the City, it can cut through the noise our social media networks present to us every second of the day. And you can have a reliable source to receive what you need to know so you don’t miss things like yard waste collection, or miss the news about drop-off site changes, or any of the other changes that happen throughout Madison.

2022-03-21 Neighborhood News & Updates

Make Music Madison June 21st, 2022 –  Make Music Madison registration for its tenth annual outdoor, citywide musical celebration held on the summer solstice, June 21 will be open this Friday March 25 at 8am. The 2021 event featured 312 concerts at 112 venues with over 1,000 individual musicians. Registration to perform or host a performance opens this month. Learn more athttp://www.makemusicmadison.org/.

Streets Division Updates

  • Big changes for the drop-off sites are starting March 25, 2022. Badger Rd. is shutting down. South Point is opening early, and there will be a new central drop-off site. Details about all of this can be found at www.cityofmadison.com/DropOffSites

Financial assistance to homeowners impacted by the coronavirus pandemic is now available through the Wisconsin Help for Homeowners (WHH) program – On Monday, March 7, Governor Tony Evers announced the launch of the Wisconsin Help for Homeowners (WHH) program – a $92 million statewide program. Eligible homeowners (with and without a mortgage) who have experienced financial hardship because of the coronavirus pandemic can now receive financial assistance with overdue housing-related bills like mortgage payments, local property taxes, utilities, housing counseling and legal services. Eligible households can receive a maximum award of $40,000. Application is live and open on a first-come, first-served basis at homeownerhelp.wi.gov. To get additional information and assistance, call 1-855-2-HOME-WI (4663-94). Application portal and call center are available in Spanish, Hmong, and Somali in addition to English.

Landlords and renters may also receive financial assistance as a result of the pandemic through Dane CORE 2.0 Emergency Rental Assistance.

April 5 Election – Voters can view a sample ballot for their address on the MyVote Wisconsin website: www.MyVote.WI.gov .

Earth Day Challenge – Celebrate Earth Day with neighbors and friends by volunteering to clean up your neighborhood park during the Earth Day Challenge! Assist with trash pickup, raking, weeding, removing sticks, and more. Event is on Earth Day, Saturday April 23, 2022. All ages are welcome to participate. Advanced registration is required for anyone 10 years and older:  https://www.cityofmadison.com/calendar/earth-day-challenge-2022 Cleanups at most of the parks will be from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted on the registration page. Parks already full and with no volunteer openings are not listed.

2022-03-04 Neighborhood News & Updates

  • Town of Madison Attachment – The next public information meeting involving the Town of Madison Attachment is scheduled for 6:00 p.m., March 16, 2022, via Zoom. The meeting will have simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and it will be streamed at the Madison Municipal Building room 153 (English) and MMB room 151 (Spanish) for those who do not have access to a digital device at home. Registration prior is required: March 16, 2022 Public Information Meeting. 
  • Snow Shoveling Assistance – does your organization coordinate shoveling for neighbors who are unable to do it themselves, or unable to afford the cost of hiring someone? If so, could you please share what system you use?  Is it informal? Or, a more structured approach? If you do not have such a program or system, would you consider organizing one?  Please send your response to Karen Kapusta Pfohl: KKapusta-Pofahl@cityofmadison.com
  • Streets Division Updates
    • The drop-off site at 1501 W. Badger Rd is shutting down for at least one full year. The last day will be March 25.
    • The drop-off site at 402 South Point Rd. will replace the Badger Rd as the west side drop-off facility starting on Tuesday, March 29.
    • A new drop-off site will open at 121 E. Olin Avenue with special limited hours starting on Monday, April 4.
    • Overnight street sweeping begins the evening of March 6. Crews will be working to collect all of the sand, salt, and grit accumulated on the roads through the winter.
    • Sign-ups for the Master Recycler course for this April are now available at www.sustaindane.org/better.
    • Dane County is planning a sustainability campus and landfill expansion to be sited at the Yahara Golf Course. Learn more about it at a March 10 meeting in McFarland.

Public Information Meeting with Dane County for a Sustainability Campus

Good evening,

You are invited to join the Dane County Department of Waste & Renewables and the Village of McFarland (either in person or online) for an evening workshop to learn more about the proposed Sustainability Campus and landfill for Dane County. There will be stations to learn about various components of the project, a 30 minute presentation provided by Dane County staff, and a live Q&A session. Please share this invitation with anyone you think may be interested. Everyone is welcome, but registration is required.

Link to register for workshop:


Please note, the in-person stations will start at 5:30 pm at the McFarland Village Administration offices, located at 5915 Milwaukee St, McFarland, WI 53558. Face coverings are encouraged for in person attendance. The joint virtual and in-person event will begin at 6 pm.

Prior to the meeting, anyone can submit questions by sending them to waste.renewables@countyofdane.com. Dane County staff will respond to questions during the presentation and in the Q&A session.

The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the County’s website for individuals who are unable to attend.

For more information on the project: https://landfill.countyofdane.com/…/Sustainability-Campus



John Welch, P.E.

Department of Waste & Renewables